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Резюме от 19 февраля 2024 Файл


Front-end програміст

23 года

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Hello, I have less than three years of experience
in the field, where I've encountered a wide range
of challenges, from technology selection to
optimizing websites for Google SEO. Along the
way, I've gained valuable experience in FRONT-END DEVELOPER
teamwork, effective communication, and
Freelance/ 02.2020–05.2020
engaging in design discussions. Additionally, I
Made multifunctional sites on WordPress
have hands-on experience in managing servers,
Stylised and improved the functionality of sites
configuring server environments, and deploying
From scratch created designs and made changes to client
websites, which has further enriched my skill
designs that improved UI and visual UX
set. I thrive on tackling new and demanding
tasks, always eager for fresh challenges and the Sure Lock & Key LLC / 01.2021 - till now
satisfaction of achieving victories. Developing and optimizing websites: using Next.js, ensuring
enhanced search engine visibility and performance.
SOFT SKILLS Web Application Development: Skilled in creating robust web
applications for blog post management from inception to
Team Work
implementation, leveraging Next.js for optimal results.
Angular Development: Competent in developing dynamic web
Problem Solving
applications using the Angular framework, ensuring responsive
Critical Thinking
and interactive user interfaces.
Stress Management
Server Deployment: Proficient in deploying websites on
various servers, ensuring seamless accessibility and

HARD SKILLS performance for end-users.
Server Management: Competent in the ongoing management
Html and maintenance of servers, ensuring reliability, security, and
CSS efficiency.
JavaScript / TypeScript Server Configuration: Proficient in configuring server
Next.js / React.js / Apollo GraphQl / REST environments to meet specific project requirements, optimizing
Angular / Angular Material performance and security.
Node / express / mongoose / Nest.js / Possess foundational knowledge in Nest.js, with ongoing
GraphQl commitment to further skill development and mastery.
Command line unix systems
Configure server for a publish site (config
Nginx/ generate SSL/ config sub domains on CONTACT DETAILS
the one server)
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