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Резюме от 10 марта 2024 Файл




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Ishchenko Nadiia
QA Engineer
Kharkiv, Ukraine
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Motivated Quality Assurance Engineer who finished courses of Manual QA Testing with skills in Web and Mobile testing, experience in creation of test documentation and deep understanding of testing theory. In addition I have investigation and analytical skills, experience in mathematical modeling, numerical and statistical methods. I’m well-acquainted with MS Excel calculations and fluent in English technical literature. I’m good at both team and independent work, able to continuous learning and ready to work to achieve a high-quality product.

Technical skills
• Web & Mobile Testing;
• Jira, TestRail;
• Basic SQL, API, Postman;
• Agile (Scrum, Kanban);
• MS Excel, MS Word, MS Power Point, Google Docs, Google Sheets
• English B1 Intermediate
• Ukrainian (native)
• Russian (native)
QA Trainee educational project
Functional testing of online store (Prestashop, Rozetka), mobile application MeestExpress (found 5 bugs), site booking.uz.gov.ua. Testing of the online calculator for car customs payments in Ukraine on auto.ria.com by means of Postman API and Chrome DevTools. Functional and non-functional testing, smoke, stress, positive and negative testing, using equivalent partitioning, boundaries method. Creation of check lists, test cases. Bug-tracking, bug status (severity, priority), bug reports in Jira.
Research Engineer (2001-2020)
Development of research methodologies, determination of the oxygen diffusion coefficient in alloy by numerical methods, automatic statistical error estimation, mathematical modeling of the corrosion processes. Preparing scientific reports and publications, presentation of the work results at the conferences.

Kharkiv National University; Degree: Master of Science in Physics
SkillUp Educational Centre; Quality Assurance certificate (2022-2023)

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