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Город проживания:
Готов работать:

Контактная информация

Соискатель указал телефон и эл. почту.

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Загруженный файл

Версия для быстрого просмотра

Это резюме размещено в виде файла. Эта версия для быстрого просмотра может быть хуже, чем оригинал резюме.

Halyna Zahorovska
QA Engineer (Manual)

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Ukraine, Lviv


Junior QA engineer with good QA Engineer (Manual) December 2023 - Current time
technical and communication skills. I
have 8 months of experience in WeGo - solutions and experience (full-time)
testing websites and mobile Project name: ART DEALER (photo wallpaper website)
applications. I like a field of activity Tools & Technologies: Gitlab, Qase, Confluence, Figma, Postman,
that requires clarity, organization,
and logic. I am constantly learning to
Project responsibilities:
expand my professional knowledge
Communication with the project team
and skills. I have worked on projects
with a team of testers and as a single Work on project from requirements analysis to release
tester. Writing test documentation (test strategy, test cases, testing
reports, bug reports)
SKILLS Participation in sprint planning/retrospective
Platforms: PC, Mobile (iOS), Tablet (Android)
Bug tracking system (Jira, Gitlab,
Trello) QA Engineer (Manual) March 2023 - April 2023
TestRail, Qase
Confluence, Figma, Miro Slim Mom - calorie calculator app (part-time)
Postman, Swagger Tools & Technologies: Jira, Figma, Postman, Swagger, Chrome
Basic knowledge of REST API Devtools
(GET, PUT, POST, DELETE) Project responsibilities:
Chrome Devtools Work with the project team
Client-server architecture Analysis and specification of requirements
Agile methodology (Scrum, Testing
Kanban) Writing test documentation (test cases, writing bug reports,
Writing (test plan, checklist, bug writing a test report)
reports) Platforms: PC, Mobile (iOS), Tablet (Android)
Creation of test reports
Understanding the life cycle of a QA Engineer (Manual) May 2023 - June 2023
Goose Track - web app to improve productivity (part-time)
Knowledge of types, methods,
and levels of testing Tools & Technologies: Figma, Swagger, Chrome Devtools
Knowledge of HTML/CSS Project responsibilities:
Basic knowledge of JSON/XML Checking documentation requirements
Basic knowledge of SQL Communication within the QA team
Writing test documentation (check list, writing bug reports)
Performing web testing
Platforms: PC, Mobile (iOS), Tablet (Android)
Analytical thinking QA Engineer (Manual) July 2023 - November 2023
Attention to detail
Sociability Testing web sites, applications (freelancing)
Good sense of humor Writing test documentation (test cases, bug reports)
Positive attitude Websites analysis
Functionality analysis
Application of different types of testing
Method analysis HTTP requests
Ukrainian (native) Performing website testing on a PC/Mobile/Tablet testing
English (written - intermediate,
Sales Manager October 2016 - December 2019
spoken - pre-intermediate), still
learning Kvitu in.ua (full-time)
customer support and development
COURSES applying scripting work
continuous study of new products
QA Engineer (GoIT) keeping records of the work done
QA Automation (studying the working with 1C
course now) Achievement: systematic fulfillment of targets, both personal and
Python Developer (studying the team
course now)

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