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Резюме от 11 июня 2024 Файл


Графічний дизайнер, Game Artist

29 лет
Город проживания:
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Загруженный файл

Версия для быстрого просмотра

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Budko Danil
Graphic Designer, Pixel Art Artist

Kiev, Ukraine
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Telegram: @kotov_kot

About me
My name is Danil, I am 28 years old, I live in Ukraine, the city of Kiev. I am an artist-designer with experience in the game industry. I am passionate about pixel art. I love creating vivid and memorable images that immerse the player in the atmosphere of the game. Pixel art is not just a style, it is a true marvel of modern aesthetics. Its minimalistic beauty and cubic nature make it a magnet for the eyes. I am confident that I can contribute to the success of your project.

Technical Skills
- I specialize in pixel art in sizes 24x24, 32x32 and larger.
- I can mimic any style and color scheme.
- I have worked in a large team, so I know how to collaborate effectively with others.
- I have experience with Aseprite, Pixel Studio, Photoshop, and animation in Aseprite.

Sunflower Land
https://www.artstation.com/artwork/blnGZn (sсroll down)

World of Fairy
https://www.artstation.com/artwork/PXYdK3 (sсroll down)

Other pixel art and different style

I've worked on Sunflower Land, World of Fairy, Fuelet Wallet, and other projects. In Sunflower Land I worked on creating characters and their animations, backgrounds and other game assets, in World of Fairy I worked on creating characters and buildings for the game, and in Fuelet Wallet I created a collection of pixel themed NFTs for the community (I also worked on other projects). All of my work has received positive feedback from users.

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