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Front-end программист

22 года
Город проживания:
Готов работать:

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Загруженный файл

Версия для быстрого просмотра

Это резюме размещено в виде файла. Эта версия для быстрого просмотра может быть хуже, чем оригинал резюме.


Dmytro Rybalchenko
Summary Contacts
Energetic and ambitious front-end developer, leveraging 5 Kiev, Ukraine
years of hands-on experience to navigate projects seamlessly
[открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация»)
from conception to fruition, I specialize in crafting digital
narratives, building projects from scratch, and shaping the user [открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация»)
experience. With successfully contributing to the development
of expansive tech products, I bring a dynamic blend of Dmytro1231
creativity, technical prowess, and unwavering commitment to

Education Courses Languages
(2017-2021) (2018-2019)
Kyiv Technical School of Computer Academy Step English B2
Electronic Devices Ukrainian C2
Computer engineering

Javascript, Typescript, Gsap, Vue, Vuex, Styled Components,
React, Next.js, Redu Pinia, MobX, Formik, WebSockets, REST API
Redux-thunk, Redux- sag Lodash, Material UI, Axios, HTML5, CSS3, SCSS,
Jest, React Testing Library, Enzyme, Git, Scrum, Kanban

Work Experience

Front-end Developer | WellTech Feb 2022 - Present

Project: Fitness & Nutrition App

Сutting-edge fitness app for user profiles, fitness goal tracking, and gym management.

Development and enhancement of features using TypeScript, React.js, Next.js, and Redux.
Integration with GraphQL and RESTful API for efficient data exchang
Employed Styled Components, Gsap, and D3.js to create engaging animations, dynamic
dashboards, and streamlined data visualization
Participated in agile development cycles, contributing to sprint planning and retrospectives.
Integrated Gsap for engaging animations, fostering a more visually appealing user experience
Rigorous testing procedures improved application stability, resulting in a more reliable UI
Introduced efficient data synchronization methods, resolving integration challenges. 17%
reduction in data inconsistency issues and a 23% improvement in data exchange speed.


TypeScript, JavaScript, React.js, Next.js, Reselect, Styled Components, Vue.js, Vuex, Pinia, Gsap,
Formik, Gitlab, Figma, Redux Toolkit, and Jest.

Front-end Developer | Teymax May 2020 - Feb 2022

Project: Project for the German travel company,

Platforms where users can find and book a tour to anywhere in the world, and fully configure their
trip, from choosing a country, or hotel, ending with a seat class on an airplane, parking rental, etc.

Actively participating in the code transition from class to functional components, improving
overall code readability and efficiency
Fixing bugs and implementing minor new features according to product requirements
Conducting code reviews to enhance code quality and adhere to standards
Collaborating closely with back-end developers to ensure effective front-end and back-end
interaction. Performing testing to ensure application stability.

Successful transition from class to functional components, improving overall code
maintainability and speeding up development
25% increase in test coverage, ensuring higher reliability and stability of the web platform
Implementation of RxJS and Redux-observable in specific parts of the application, enhancing
asynchronous event handling and improving the user experience
Integration of Reselect for data selection optimization, leading to improved client-side
interface performance.

Technologies: TypeScript, JavaScript, React, RxJS, Next.js, i18n, jest, GitLab, bitBucket, Zeplin,
post-css, ramda, reselect, custom, ui-library

Project: Digital Twin Platform

With this technology, companies increase productivity, reduce new product development time,
and avoid costly hardware defects. Engineers no longer need to create expensive physical
prototypes - all ideas and calculations can be tested on virtual models first. This can provide the
flexibility and agility needed to respond to an ever-changing environment.
Implementation of Material UI and Redux-Saga for creating a modern interface and managing
asynchronous operations
Active participation in developing new features to expand the platform's capabilities.
Code reviews and refactoring to improve code quality and optimize performance
Collaboration with designers to establish a cohesive design style
Time optimization in development using TypeScript and other modern technologies
Enhancement of user experience through the integration of Scss.

My work contributed to improved team efficiency, making the platform more appealing and
useful to users, resulting in significant business improvements.

Technologies: React,js, Redux, Material UI, Redux-Saga, Scss, i18n, TypeScript, JS, GitLab.

Front-end Developer | AgileEngine March 2019 - May 2020

Project: The Product for small businesses' world trade.

Contributed to the development of a product aimed at accelerating world trade for small
businesses. The application streamlines accounting documentation, making it simple,
frictionless, instant, and automated. It centralizes financial data to facilitate tax preparation and
provides insights into the health of businesses.

Designing and implementing the user interface to ensure a seamless and user-friendly
Enhancing and refining user options for improved client comprehension and ease of use
Collaborating with cross-functional teams to integrate features and maintain application
Developing dashboards to provide users with meaningful insights into their financial data
Utilizing technologies such as React JS, Restful API, GraphQL, and Redux Toolkit to optimize
application functionality
Participating in agile development cycles, including sprint planning and retrospectives.

These efforts collectively led to a more robust and user-friendly product, with measurable
improvements in user engagement, satisfaction, and overall performance.

Technologies: TypeScript, JavaScript, React.js, GraphQL, Lodash, Scss, Redux Toolkit, Figma,

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