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English teacher

25 лет

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Неоконченное высшее, с 2018 по 2024 (6 лет)

Знания и навыки

  • Self-growth
  • Effective communication
  • Gamification
  • Creativity
  • Confidence

Дополнительная информация

Hi there! My name is Tshepo Mahlalela, but you can call me Ras for short. I'm a young man from Southern Africa with many interests as well as a handful of hobbies. I am interested in so many things that this world has to offer, the architecture around us, the nature in different parts of the world, as well as the diversity of everything living thing among us. I'm massive a football fan and play just as well. I'm also into music and play the bass guitar, a soothing instrument for me.

My confidence and personality is one of my best assets and help me command a room easily. I have great credentials with regards to my knowledge in the English language. I studied the English language very intensely during my high school education. My education background also contains knowledge of the works of the infamous author Shakespeare. My accent is very clear and easy to understand, and I can explain things in the best way you could ever imagine.

Immerse yourself in the exquisite joy of learning with me, Teacher Ras. I'll ignite your curiosity in the world around us while equipping you with vocabulary to make your English speaking extraordinary. With my clear accent and vast knowledge, I'll guide you through the English language

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