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Резюме от 12 апреля 2024 Файл


Junior Full Stack Developer (C#, Angular)

24 года

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F U L L S T A C K D E V E L O P E R ( C #, Angular)
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Ukraine, Ivano-Frankivsk

I am a Full Stack Developer with 1.5 year experience in C#, Angular and TypeScript. Proficient in .NET
CORE (API) development and have experience working with Entity Framework and SQL. In addition to
this, my skills include Git, JIRA, HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. I have the ability to write clean and
scalable code, comfortable working with both Visual Studio and VS Code.
With my strong problem-solving and analytical skills, I am confident in my ability to contribute to
anydevelopment team.

Strong knowledge of C# programming Good understanding of HTML, CSS, and TypeScript
Proficient in .NET CORE (API) development Comfortable working in both Visual Studio and VS Code
Experience with Entity Framework and SQL Understanding of REST API and HTTP protocols
Knowledge of JIRA for for overseeing project tasks Ability to write clean, maintainable, and scalable code
Familiarity with GIT, GitHub, and Bitbucket for version Strong problem-solving and analytical skills
control Good communication and teamwork skills
Experience with Vue.js Experience with Adobe Photoshop

Project Description:
Involvement duration:

10 months Developed a web project for the sale and delivery of bottled water. Took part on creation of a
dispatcher application for order management and related tasks. Designed a driver application, allowing
Project role: drivers to easily track their orders with detailed information. Implemented user-friendly features for
seamless navigation and efficiency.
Full Stack Software Engineer


Developed and managed the inner workings of the website using ASP.NET Core (API), Entity
Framework, and MySQL.

Created new features for the website with Angular, HTML, CSS, and

Proficient in version control using Bitbucket, and skilled in using JIRA.

Tools & Technologies:

Visual Studio 2021, VS Code, Angular 15, ASP.NET Core Web API, Entity Framework, My SQL Server,
SWAGGER, Postman, Bitbucket, JIRA.
Project Description:
Involvement duration:
Developed a web application for an existing auto parts store, designed for the Ukrainian market and
6 months
offering a wide variety of products in large quantities to satisfy customer needs. Additionally, a separate

Project role: application was created specifically for managers to manage their tools. Overall, everything is tailored to
meet the needs of both managers and customers.
Full Stack Software Engineer


Developed and maintained the website's backend using .NET CORE (API), Entity Framework,
and SQL.

Designed and implemented new website features using HTML, CSS, and


Tools & Technologies:

Visual Studio 2021, VS Code, Angular 15, .NET Core Web API, Entity Framework, MS SQL Server, GIT,
SWAGGER, Postman, Bitbucket, JIRA.

Language Education
Ukrainian Bachelor of engineer-technologist
English 2015 -2018

Похожие кандидаты

C#/.NET Backend Developer, Software Engineer, програміст, розробник, інженер, ментор, викладач

Junior full-stack, js developer

Junior Full-Stack Developer

Full stack .Net-програміст
Ивано-Франковск, Удаленно

Full stack програміст

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