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Резюме от 10 марта 2024 Файл


Junior React Developer

26 лет

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Detail-oriented Front-end Developer, with 2 year of
practical experience. Aiming to leverage experience and a
proven knowledge of advanced technology, application
development, and benchmarking to successfully fill the
Front-end Developer role at your company. I can be relied
upon to help your company achieve its goals.


Ivan Franko National University of Lviv. Magister degree.

[открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация»)  W3School
 Metanit
 Udemy

[открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация»)

LinkedIn: Kruk Yulia English - Intermediate Level (B2)
• JavaScript
Github: Kruk Yulia • React, Redux, Redux Toolkit
• Next.js
• Kotlin
• Ant design, Material UI
• React testing library.

• MS Visual Studio 2017
• Adobe Photoshop
• Git
• Firebase Database, SQL

Junior Frontend Developer Intern | Levi9

September 2019 Lviv, UA
 I have completed HTML, CSS, JS, React.js, SCSS course. I was working with application
music app, where I accomplished the development of music site where user can receive point
and select correct answer by video.
 I have completed different course on Udemy where I have passed course for React.js, SCSS,
Node.js, all my works is on Gitlab Gitlab list of tasks

Junior Full-Stack Developer Intern | Zenbit

October 2022 Lviv, UA
Accomplished the development of the company's English website, using React.js, Typescript, Nest.js
and SQL database.
Application using for searching jobs for freelancer and recruiters can post jobs on the website. I was
working with a team 5 people with Project manager and QA, PM was creating task and QA was
checking functionality and was testing design our tasks.


1) Freelance Full-stack Developer (duration 3 months)
Description: Developing, optimizing and maintaining the website utilizing HTML, CSS, React.js,
MongoDB and various API to meet my client goals. Application need to show readers difference
poems, story with ability to make bookmarks, register user. Administrator can add, edit, delete story
which he want. Application is full-stack with using Node.js and MongoDB for saving data.
Tools & Technologies: React, HTML5/CSS3, MongoDB, Node.js

2) Project “Product List”
Description: Single page application to create product in product list using db.json to save data.
When the application starts, a list of products from database is displayed. When you click on the
button detail, a page with detailed information of products is displayed with ability to edit product
information and possibility to add comments.
Tools & Technologies: React, HTML5/CSS3.
Link: Product List
3) Project “Full-stack application - Combine images ”
Description: Single page application with server-side rendering. When the application starts, we see
to buttons to upload two images. When you click on the button combine, images saved in the local
folder and transform in server side with Jimp and return images with combined 2 images.
Tools & Technologies: Next.js, HTML5/CSS3, Jimp, TypeScript.
Link: Combine images
4) Project “Todo-list with search input”
Description: Simple todo-list with search input, saving data to Session Storage
Tools & Technologies: JavaScript, HTML5/CSS3.
Link: Search input
5) Project “Cupcakes-list with cupcakes/macaroons”
Description: Cupcakes list with Firebase authorization and showing desserts with more details.
Tools & Technologies: Kotlin, Firebase. Web version: Cupcakes list web: Cupcakes list web
Link: Cupcakes list

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