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Middle Unity C# developer

21 год
Город проживания:
Готов работать:
Львов, Удаленно

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Загруженный файл

Версия для быстрого просмотра

Это резюме размещено в виде файла. Эта версия для быстрого просмотра может быть хуже, чем оригинал резюме.

Maksym Zynych
Unity Developer

Location: Lviv, Ukraine Phone: [открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация»)
Email: [открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация») LinkedIn: [открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация»)
Telegram: https://t.me/ZiPWay


- Integration analytics, IAP and ads;
- Experience in
- Experience developing adaptive UI;
- Ability to write clean and
- Code review;
understandable code;
- Long-term support and expansion of
- Understanding OOP, SOLID;
- Active use of various patterns;
- Experience in 2D and 3D game
- Experience in version control, Git,
- Experience with unity: animations,
- Experience with VContainer, Zenject,
lighting, particle system, physics
UniRx, DOTween, Curvy Splines,
audio, UI;
PuppetMaster, Odin, Addresables…
- Profiling, code/UI/graphics/build size


> Survive Squad “Google Play” “Apple Store”
Company: Pam Pam Studio
Role: Team Lead / Unity Developer
- Leading project refactoring and optimization; - Implementation of a pipeline for downloading
- Сonducting code review of team members; versioned files, saving and migration data
between version
- Decomposition and assessment of team tasks;
- Mentoring;

> Gym Merge Genius
Company: Pam Pam Studio
Role: Unity Developer / Mentor
- Develop game architecture; - Аnalytics integration;
- Implement merging system; - Develop game using Zenject;
- Implement a leveling system for different - Game optimization;
types of characters;
- Mentoring and project leading;
> Letter Ball “Google Play”
Company: Pam Pam Studio
Role: C # / Unity Developer
- Develop ability system; - Game optimization;
- Аnalytics integration; - Develop level building tools for Level
- Develop game using Zenject; Designer;
- Implement coloring of the environment;

> Try2Survive “Google Play”
Company: Pam Pam Studio
Role: C # / Unity Developer
- Develop ability system; - Work with animations;
- Аnalytics integration; - Game optimization;
- Develop game infrastructure using self - Develop level building tools;
written DIContainer;

> Keep Running! Parkour Game 3D “Google Play”
Company: Pam Pam Studio
Role: C # / Unity Developer
- Develop a dynamic change of the player's - Work with animations;
state relative to the position in the level; - Game optimization;
- Аnalytics integration; - Develop level building tools;
- Work closely with Animator and Game

> Hyper Detective “Google Play”
Company: Pam Pam Studio
Role: C # / Unity Developer
- Develop game using Curvy Splines, UniRx; - Game optimization;
- Develop level building tools; - Аnalytics integration

> Skate Flex 3D “Google Play”
Company: Pam Pam Studio
Role: C # / Unity Developer
- Develop level building tools; - Develop game using DOTween, Curvy
- Work closely with Game Designer; Splines, UniRx;
- Аnalytics integration; - Work with animations;
- Game optimization;

> Crazy Picnic “Screenshots”
Pet project

Role: C # / Unity Developer
- Writing AI of enemies; - Work with animations;
- Development of a conservation system; - Game optimization;
- Adaptive level system; - IAP integration;
- Work on player control; - Game monetization (AdMob);

- Ukrainian - Native Speaker; - English - Pre-Intermediate


- Company: Pam Pam Studio
Dates Attended: Sep 2021 - present


- > Addresables, Master class
Institution: Knowledge Syndicate
Dates Attended: December 2023

- > Team Lead course
Institution: Knowledge Syndicate
Dates Attended: Sep - Dec 2023

- > Data structures and design patterns for game developers
Institution: Coursera
Dates Attended: May 2023

- > Utility AI, Master Class
Institution: Knowledge Syndicate
Dates Attended: Dec 2022

- > Architecture Unity Games
Institution: Knowledge Syndicate
Dates Attended: Apr 2022 - June 2022

- > Software Development / Junior Specialist
Institution: Lviv Professional College of Food and Processing Industry NUHT
Dates Attended: 2018 - 2022

- > “Complete C# Unity Game Developer 2D”
Institution: Udemy
Dates Attended: 2019 - 2020

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