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Резюме от 20 мая 2024 Файл


PHP developer

35 лет
Город проживания:
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Загруженный файл

Версия для быстрого просмотра

Это резюме размещено в виде файла. Эта версия для быстрого просмотра может быть хуже, чем оригинал резюме.

[открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация»)
Thoughtful , goal oriented beginner whith 1,5+ year experience. web site [открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация»)
developer using pure PHP and Laravel. Skills in PHP, Laravel, JS,, MySQL,Linux, Telegram @NdRay89
Practitioner in building applications to agreed WORK EXPERIENCE
upon specifications within required time frames. Junior PHP Developer (Laravel backpack) Nov 2022–
Confident local development using Laravel Nov 2023
Technologies: PHP, Composer, Laravel backpack, Apache,
and Laravel Backpack on Apache Ubuntu Ubuntu, MySQL, MariaDB, GitLab,Jira,
and application deployment Domain: UAE
Team size: 7
PHP 7.4-8 / Laravel 7-10 - Developing CRM side
- following Time Scheduling
Linux (Apache2, Ubuntu) / - involved in implementing of complete application in-
Nginx / Docker build MVC architecture
- Provided technical support including database
OOP / MVC (SOLID, RASP) - Code developing using PSR standards
- Built and hosted packages with GitLab
MySQL / SQL / MariaDB/ - Implementing API interfaces
PostgreSQL / Redis - Code review
- Implementing all documentation requirements
CRM - Implemented authentication of users (using Laravel
Git / GitHub / GitLab / - Deploying
Tourtoise Git / Putty / - Debugged and fixed defects
Composer - Maintained existing applications

Unit Tests / Integration Tests Treinee/Junior Fullstack PHP developer Jul 2022–Nov 2022

Understanding CI/CD Programming: PHP(Laravel), JS
pipelines Team size: 8
Design Patterns
Experience in API / JSON / - Php 8 compatibility upgrade
Bootstrap / Vue / JS - Restructuted code (Services, Repositories, Fakers, Seeders)
- Created web applications and components using PHP
Understanding and following - Developed accounting application on a webpage using web
principles of writing good domain and then deploying in on the server
code (Clean Code / SOLID / - Responsible for providing secure authentication
PSR etc.) - Developed the applications in the virtual environment using
vagrant virtual box.
- Built and hosted packages with GitHub

Treinee PHP developer May 2022 –Jun 2022
Project Role:
Programming: PHP 7.4-8
Team size: 23


- Developing websites and web applications using
- Designing forms and use interfaces for
EPAM University Beetroot Academy administrator, employee using Laravel and CSS
“ PHP Program Course - Created Laravel modules for automated approvals
(Summer2022)” “ Back-End (PHP,
(Sep2022-Oct 2022) - Rewriting project from clean PHP into Laravel
(Oct 2021 - Feb 2022)

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