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Резюме от 25 февраля 2024 Файл



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Skill Highlights:
 Communication skills
 Time-management
 Able to work with children and adolescents
 Attention to detail
 Quick learner
 Flexibility and adaptability
 Thinking out on the box

Language: Education:

English A1 Private Kyiv International University Higher Education Establishment
Ukrainian obtained qualifications:
Russian (native) Master Degree. Program Subject Area: Psychology. Professional
qualification: Psychologist.
Master’s diploma with honors (2018).

Odessa Institute of Marine Transport Engineers OIIMF.
Speciality: Engineer of operational transport.

Work experience:
20.08.2022 – 31.12.2023 – Psychologist at the International Humanitarian Organization
- PSS trainings on Psychological First Aid;
- Bodynamics;
- Individual and group consultations;
- Problem Management Plus interventions;
- PSS consultations with Medical Mobile Units;
- PSS lectures for IDPs and local citizens;
- Focus-group discussions;
- Art Therapy;
- Group consultations with people with addictions;
- Puppet therapy;
- Individual and group consultations with families in difficult circumstances (IDPs, large families,
orphans and their caregivers) in cooperation with Center of social services.

2007-2023 – Private practice:
- Individual and group consultations;
- Relationships consultations;
- Art Therapy;
- Metaphorical cards;
- Group consultations with people with addictions.
- Sand therapy;
- Neurographics sessions.

2010-2016 – psychologist at the rehabilitation center:
- Individual and group consultations;
- Art Therapy;
- Metaphorical cards;
- Send therapy;
- Relationships consultations;
- Individual and group consultations with people with addictions.

2010-2016 – psychologist at the Regional children's home for psychological rehabilitation:
- Individual and group consultations;
- Art Therapy;
- Metaphorical cards;
- Send therapy;
- Relationships consultations;
- Individual and group consultations with people with addictions;
- Tarot cards therapy;
- Lectures and seminars;
- Focus group discassions.

Courses and certificates:
1.Working with shock trauma during emergencies (72hours). Organized by Center of
Psychology and Development “PLINE” and The International University of Psychotherapy Trauma
Therapy and Embodiment Practices. Conducted by CHERTKOVA Vikroiia and KOROTAIVA Yuliia in

2.Practical Psychology (32 hours). Organized by The Institute for Analytical Research and
Contemporary Education and The Academy of Modern Practical Psychology. Conducted by the
Head of the Institute V.Melnyk in 2023.

3.Basis of Psychosomatics. Organized by The Psychological Center HIDEWAY and The Ukrainian
Association of Teachers and Psychologists of Pre School, Primary school and Extracurricular
Education. Conducted by director of Psychological Center HIDEAWAY Olena Volchanova and
President of the Ukrainian Association of Teachers and Psycholosts Taras Olefirenko.
Course program:
1) What diseases can be considered psychosomatic, Classification of psychosomatic disorders
and diseases. Diagnostic in psychosomatics.
2) Causes of psychosomatic diseases. Basic principles of psychotherapy when psychosomatic
diseases. The influence of emotional factors on the occurrence of diseases.
3) Diseases of all types: respiratory treat, bronchial asthma, diabetes, skin diseases,
cardiovascular diseases, adiposity.
4) Diseases of all types: gastrointestinal diseases, diseases of the musculoskeletal system,
infectious diseases, headache, gynecological diseases and reproductive psychosomatics.
5) Psychosomatic diseases and the basic principles of their treatment.
6) Peculiarities of working with severe somatic diseases. Peculiarities of working with oncological
diseases and autoimmune diseases.
7) Panic attacks. Reasons. Treatment strategies. Stress somatization and methods of treatment.
Depression and somatization.
8) Psychosomatic diseases during the war and work with them.
9) Child and adolescent psychosomatics.
10) Practical work. Analysis of real cases. Working with group requests.

4.Congitive-behavioral model in psychological counseling of adults and children (30 hours).
Organized by The Psychological Center HIDEWAY and The Ukrainian Association of Teachers and
Psychologists of Pre School, Primary school and Extracurricular Education. Conducted by director
of Psychological Center HIDEAWAY Olena Volchanova and President of the Ukrainian Association
of Teachers and Psychologists Taras Olefirenko.
Course program:
1) The general strategy of counselling, diagnosis, algorithms of actions of consultants in the CBT
2) Model of depression, cognitive bias, rules of life and deep beliefs.
3) Targets and techniques for working with depression.
4) Panic attacks: nature, diagnosis and strategies of psychological work.
5) Phobias and fears: diagnosis and counseling technique.
6) Overview of the problem of generalized anxiety and diagnostic signs.
7) Neurobiology of anxiety states. Peculiarities methods of supporting clients with GAD.
8) Mindfulness (techniques of consciousness).

5.Psychological assistance during the war (14 hours). Organized by the International Institute
of Psychology. Conducted by Pylypenko N. and Ulko N. in 2023.

6.Theory and practice of body-oriented therapy (144 hours).
Diagnosis of traumas (20 hours). Theory of psychomotor development (46 hours). Diagnosis of
boundaries (4 hours). Psychotherapeutic contracts (6 hours). Working with developmental
traumas (24 hours). Body diagnostics (20 hours). Individual counselling (24 hours). Group
counselling (20 hours).
Organized by The Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine. Kharkiv National Automobile and
Highway University. Department of Pedagogy and Psychology of Professional Training and The
Victoria Chertkova Training Centre PLINE in 2017.

7.Theory and practice of Art Therapy (82 hours).
Mask therapy (8 hours). Puppet therapy (5 hours). Iso-therapy (12 hours). Fairy tale therapy (8
hours). Drama therapy (10 hours). Bibliotherapy (8 hours). Counselling (10 hours) Group
counselling (11 hours). Sand therapy (10 hours).
Organized by The Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine. Kharkiv National Automobile and
Highway University. Department of Pedagogy and Psychology of Professional Training and The
Victoria Chertkova Training Centre PLINE in 2017.

8.Metaphorical associative cards in the space of counselling and psychotherapy (56 hours).
Theoretical foundations (4 hours). Diagnostics (4 hours). Counselling (7 hours). Child-parent
relations (3 hours). Couple relationships (5 hours). Interpersonal relations (6 hours). Coaching (6
hours). Art therapy (3 hours). Working with fears, guilt, dreams (8 hours). Group counselling (10
Organized by The Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine. Kharkiv National Automobile and
Highway University. Department of Pedagogy and Psychology of Professional Training and The
Victoria Chertkova Training Centre PLINE in 2018.

9.Modern hypnosis and hypnotherapy (48 hours). Organized by Eastern European association
of hypnotherapists and clinical psychologists. Conducted by trainer Luzin D., the President of the
association Greenwald S. and secretary general EAHP Boldina O. in 2018.

10.Neurographics. Algorithm for removing the boundaries. Organized by the Training Centre
PLINE in 2017. Conducted by Anna Kuchinska.

11.Child's speech development: methods of formation and correction. Organized by the Kyiv
Institute of Rational Intuitive Psychotherapy "Myself". Conducted by speech and language
therapist, psychologist. Oleksyi Yakubovskyi and director of the Institute of Rational Intuitive
Psychotherapy "Myself" Nataliya Rubel in 2019.

12.42nd EANLPt conference on “NLP and drug addiction treatment” in Neuro-Linguistic
Psychotherapy (NLP) in Odesa in 2017 (10hours). Organized by the European Association for
Neuro-Linguistic Psychotherapy and Pucelik Consulting Group.

13.Certificated practitioner of the Art of Karmalogic. Organized by the Karmalogic.
Conducted by prof. Alexey Sitnikov, MBA Ph.D. (econ), Ph.D. (psych.)

14.Training and advanced training course for practical psychologists and psychotherapists
in accordance with the programme approved by INMAR-KOM LLC (66 hours). Conducted by
the General director of INMAR-KOM LLC Korobkova O.
1) Psychological methods of personality research and their use in psychotherapeutic practice.
Techniques of self-examination and analysis.
2) Techniques for dealing with one's emotions and the emotions of others (improving emotional
culture, emotional resilience, communication skills).
3) An introduction to the classical psychoanalysis of Sigmund Freud. The main models and the
rejuvenation of psychoanalysis.
4) Adler's Individual Personality Theory.
5) Berne's transactional analysis and its practical application in effective communication.
6) Introduction to transpersonal psychotherapy Psychosynthesis by R. Asagioli.
7) Introduction to the Symbolodrama or catatonic-imaginative psychotherapy by H. Leiner.
8) Introduction to W. Reich's body-oriented therapy.
9) Family psychotherapy. Conflicts and crises in the family. Problems of child-parent and marital
relationships. Building healthy relationships in the family.

15.Tarot cards (320 hours). Organized by the European School for Correspondence Education.
Conducted by Shilayena G. and Kirillova O. in 2012.

16.Psychosomatics. Conducted by the psychologist Kolencko-Smirnova A. In 2020.
17.Working with Shock trauma during emergencies (72 hours).
Organized by the Center of Psychology and Development “PLINE” and The International
University of Psychotherapy, Trauma Therapy and Embodiment Practices. Conducted by
1) Trauma and mental processes.
2) Shock trauma and PTSD.
3) The polyvagal theory.
4) Body internal supports.
5) Sexual trauma.
6) Working with adaptability and stress tolerance.
7) Trauma to the structure of existence (suicide).
8) Working with the military.
9) Developmental trauma.
10) Trauma and personal boundaries.

18.Practical Psychology (32 hours). Organized by the Institute for Analytical Research and
Contemporary Education and The ACADEMY OF MODERN PRACTICAL PSYCHOLOGY. Conducted
by the director V.Melnyk in 2023.

19.Author's course "Country of Security" (30 hours). Organized by UHF (Ukrainian
Humanitarian Fund) in 2023. Conducted by trainers Oksana Kryvonoga and Anna Velychke.

Certificates from INGOs trainings:
1.GBV prevention and responses. Conducted by National GBV trainer at the UNFPA National
Training Centre on Combating Gender-Based Violence in 2023.
2.PROTECTION from SEXULA EXPLOITATION and ABUSE (PSEA). Conducted by Protection
officer Mariia Chopik and HR Manager Oksana Lysiuk from International Humanitarian
Organization INTERSOS in 2023.
3.Prevention of sexual exploitation and sexual abuse (PSEA) provided by UNICEF in 2023.

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