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Резюме от 20 марта 2024 Файл


Junior Data Analyst


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Ivanna Pitonia
Data Analyst with an analytical thinking and strong skills in data
collection, cleaning, analysing and vizualisation. I have experience
with tools such as SQL, Google Sheets, Python, Big Query. I can
effectively visualize data and develop reports and graphs that help
solve business tasks. I am open to new challenges and always ready
to learn and develop.

Calculation of product metrics for a gaming company (ARPPU,
[открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация») CR, DAU, MAU, WAU), building charts with forecasts of MAU,
DAU in Google Sheets.
[открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация») Connecting to PostgreSQL using the DBeaver tool. Writing SQL
queries for calculating metrics for advertising campanies (CPM,
CTR, CPS, ROMI) with combining several tables into one.
Creation charts with dimensions and metrics for advertising
campanies in Looker Studio -
Boryspil, Ukraine https://lookerstudio.google.com/reporting/1d05df37-3852-
4e72-b9ce-161382ebe59e/page/ybQgD .
Connecting to Google Analytics 4 via BigQuery. Analysis of
HARD SKILLS convertions and correlations of event names for e-commerce
companies by writing SQL queries.
SQL Analysis of revenue for production company, building cohort
Python analysis in Tableau -
A|B Tests https://public.tableau.com/app/profile/ivanna.pitonia/viz/Hom
Advertising Companies Analysis ework2_Pitonia_GoIT/Dashboard2 .
Product Analysis Visualisation of onboarding funnel and conversion rate for users
Data collection, cleaning, in Tableau
analysation and visualisation https://public.tableau.com/app/profile/ivanna.pitonia/viz/Hom

Google Sheets Oil and Gas Engineer in Ukrainian Oil and Gas
Tableau Institute
Looker Studio 2012-now
BigQuery Constructing of models of oil and gas equipment and pipline
Google Analytics connections between them
Calculation of height marks of supports
Analysis of loads on pipeline supports and correction distances
between them
SOFT SKILLS Calculation of costs for the construction of the entire oil and
Accurate gas system
Eager to learn
Positive attitude EDUCATION
IT school “GoIT”
LANGUAGES Data Analyst
September 2023/February 2024
English -Upper Intermediate
Polish - Intermediate Mining and Metallurgical Academy in Krakow
Masters degree of Petroleum Engineering
February/June 2012
Ivano Frankivsk National Technical University of
Oil ang Gas
Masters degree of Petroleum Engineering

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