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Резюме от 24 января 2024 Файл


Програміст PHP

25 лет

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Maxim Zhuravlenko

I live in Ukraine, Uman

E-mail [открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация»)

Phone [открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация»)

Telegram https://t.me/zhuravlenko2555dev

Freelance https://freelancehunt.com/freelancer/

Github https://github.com/zhuravlenko2555dev

Programming skills:
● Frontend: HTML, CSS, JS, Vue.js.
● Backend: PHP(7.2-8.2), Laravel(5.8, 6, 7, 10).
● Databases: MySQL.
English skills: Pre-Intermediate(A2).

Work experience:
Projects for the university
CHDTU Timetable Bot. This is a telegram bot (@chdtu_timetable_bot)
for students of Cherkasy State Technical University to view the schedule of the
lessons. This bot was written in PHP using a telegram bot library. For database
MySQL was used.
Student Timetable Bot. This bot (@student_timetable_bot) is like the
previous one, but here you can choose your university from 23 in the list.
These bots are making requests for schedule pages and parse html
responses. Currently these bots are not working.

Freelance projects
I also worked as a freelancer for several years. More than 17 projects
have been done for customers. Most of them are projects for android. But there
is also 1 project (online quiz system) written in PHP using Laravel framework.
For the database MySQL was used. The project has an admin panel for
managing quizzes and checking answers. There is also a scoreboard table of
points by teams.
Work in company
Shopiforge. This is an e-commerce platform for creating online shops. This
platform has many features. On this project I did tasks on PHP using Laravel
framework and Vue.js. Also I did integrations with third-party services using
their API or via webhooks. I worked for this company for 2 years.

Projects for educations
Library management system. This project provides many features to
make librarians' work easier. This project is being developed in PHP using the
Laravel 10 framework. For the frontend part I use Nuxt.js 3. For the database
MySQL is being used. The source code of this project is on
github(lms-laravel-back & lms-nuxt-front). This project is still under

I received my bachelor's degree from Cherkasy State Technical
University in 2019. I studied in the specialty of software engineering. At the end
of 2020 I ended up my studies in magistracy in the same specialty.

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