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Резюме от 24 мая 2024 Файл



23 года
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Software Developer

[открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация») Dynamic and detail-oriented Developer with a
strong background in applied mathematics and
Lausanne, Switzerland physics, seeking to leverage extensive experience
in machine learning, front-end and back-end
[открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация»)
development to drive forward technological
github.com/kerrovitarr innovation. Adept in a range of programming
languages and tools including Tensorflow, Django,
SQL, and Docker. Committed to delivering high-

SKILLS quality results through both teamwork and
independent initiatives

Fullstack Development: Soft Skills:
Ukrainian national holding Swiss work permit
Python - Django Team/Solo play
C/C++ Problem Solving
SQL (MySQL, PostgreSQL) Leadership
API, Docker Critical thinking
Unix, Git Creativity Software Developer
Algorithms and data
January 2023 - December 2023
Developed and refined computational
methods to enhance the accuracy and

EDUCATION efficiency of physical and mathematical
modeling, focusing on applications in diverse
scientific domains
Bachelor of Science | Applied Physics and Math Created and maintained comprehensive
Jupyter notebooks designed to facilitate
Moscow institute of physics and interactive learning for solid-state physics
technology | 2018-2022 lectures, incorporating visualizations and
simulations to aid in complex concept
Gained solid foundation in fundamental sciences, comprehension
excelling in mathematics, programming, and Applied advanced quantitative analytical
physics. At the Department of Control Systems skills to streamline data processing
and Geocosmic Physics, education was focused workflows, employing statistical analysis and
on advanced computational methods and data visualization techniques to extract
technologies. Thesis project involved developing a insights and inform decision-making
drone-based system for rescuing drowning
Contributed to a project with integrating
victims at beaches, incorporating computer vision
machine learning tools to optimize atom
and neural networks to innovate in public safety valence calculations, got improvements in
and emergency response predictive accuracy and computational
LANGUAGES Software Developer
English - fluent M&A Decision
Data Analysis, AI, Machine Learning Startup
Ukrainian - native
March 2020 - April 2022
Russian - native
Contributed to outsourcing projects for
French - beginner (certificate granted)
startups and small to medium businesses,
focusing on custom needs such as analytics
integration and machine learning model
development, as part of a collaborative team
Managed end-to-end development lifecycle
from requirement gathering, design,
implementation, to deployment
Designed and implemented scalable
backend systems to support business
operations and data processing
Developed intuitive frontend interfaces to
enhance user experience and interaction
with the analytics and machine learning

Key Projects:
Analytics Integration for SMBs: Developed
custom analytics solutions to help small and
medium businesses understand their data
better. Utilized Python for data manipulation
and analysis, integrating various data
sources into a coherent dashboard using
Django for the backend and React for the
frontend, ensuring a seamless user
Machine Learning Model Development:
Worked on several projects requiring
machine learning model development to
automate decision-making processes.
Designed and trained machine learning
models to solve specific business problems,
utilizing Python as the primary programming
language. Leveraged Scikit-Learn for
classical machine learning tasks and
TensorFlow for more complex deep learning
projects, including neural networks.
Deployed models into production
environments, enhancing business
operations with AI capabilities
Maintained a high standard of code quality
and efficiency by adopting best practices in
software development, including version
control with Git, continuous
integration/continuous deployment (CI/CD)
pipelines, and containerization with Docker

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