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Резюме от 24 мая 2024 Файл


Front-end developer

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Загруженный файл

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Front-end Engineer Linkedin
Current city Warsaw [открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация»)


I am a goal-oriented and creative engineer-programmer specializing
in frontend development. I have skills in CSS/HTML, Sass
preprocessor, JS, React, Redux, Redux Toolkit, Typescript, Tailwind
CSS and cross-browser and adaptive layout. Also, I enjoy learning
new technologies to be maximally useful in various aspects of web
development and am attentive to tasks assigned to me, striving to
bring them to perfection.


Frontend technologies: JavaScript, CSS3, HTML5, BEM, Sass (SCSS), Redux,
React-router, Material UI, Ant Design, Chakra UI, React Hooks, Axios,
Tailwind, Typescript, Bootstrap, Styled Components, Cross-browser, and
adaptive layout, Firebase.
Frameworks: React JS.
Task and Project Management: Git, Assana, Jira.
Tools: ChatGPT, Figma, NPM, Bash.
Languages: English – B1, Ukrainian – native.


Front-end Developer at Contora AI (2023 – present)
Implemented new features using React and other modern libraries.
Handled the front-end development of the project.
Developed custom UI React components.
Collaborated with the team in actively shaping design concepts for the
Development of the web pages for the child project Muraena AI.

Contora is a leading off-chain data provider for cryptocurrencies. Crypto
traders use our API to add alpha to their trading strategy. Crypto investors
and VC rely on our historical data and visual dashboards to estimate longer-
term risk of their crypto portfolio.

Key skills: HTML5, Styled Components, JS, Sass, React, Router, Redux,
Typescript, Redux Toolkit, Ant Design, git, GitHub.

2020-2022 National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine
Master’s Degree
Mechanical engineering
2016-2020 National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine
Bachelor’s Degree
Mechanical engineering

Freecodecamp (HTML, CSS, JS)
CodeWars (JS)
ZTM React course
react.dev (JS, React\Redux)
HTML Academy

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