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Резюме от 12 февраля 2024 Файл


Помощник маркетолога

20 лет

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Profile will be available until 01 April 2024

Viktoriia Bilodid

Date of birth: 26/02/2004 Nationality: Ukrainian

Hide contact details

Mobile: [открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация»)
Email address: [открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация»)
Home: 22 Sholom-Aleichem Street, 02156 Kyiv, Ukraine

Moments Group
01/08/2022 – 30/09/2023

Kyiv, Ukraine

1. sale of food products;
2. work with the R-keeper;
3. communication with visitors of the cafe

DSide Dance Studio
25/11/2021 – 15/01/2022

Kyiv, Ukraine

1. sale of memberships
2. work with all Microsoft 365 programs
3. communication with studio visitors

Kyiv School №190
High School Diploma
01/09/2010 – 28/05/2021

Kyiv, Ukraine

Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman
Bachelor's degree in "Commercial activity and logistics"
01/09/2021 – Current

Kyiv, Ukraine https://fm.kneu.edu.ua/ua/
Field(s) of study: "Entrepreneurship, trade and exchange activities"

organization "Solidarna Molod"
Member of the youth association "Solidarna Molod" from the party of Petro Poroshenko "European Solidarity"
18/09/2023 – Current

Kyiv, Ukraine [открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация»)

International Association of Marketing Initiatives (in ukr MAMI)
Training (Customer Experience )
10/02/2023 – 01/05/2023

Kyiv, Ukraine https://mami.org.ua/ru/news/mami-news/Customer-Eperience-vid-MAMI-ta-KNEU-pidsumki-222-ta-223

• practical up-to-date knowledge of marketing and management
• communication with leading experts from marketing service agencies
• assimilation of information on Influencer Marketing, Neuromarketing, Experiential Marketing, SMM + Content Marketing, Sustainable
Communications, and non-standard techniques in communications

Pas Trans logistic company
Training - internship
21/04/2023 – 05/05/2023

Kyiv, Ukraine https://pastrans.com.ua/

• completed a training course on the work of a logistician in an outsourcing company
• communication with the founder of the company
• knowledge of the functioning of the logistics process

Mother tongue(s)


Other language(s)

English German

Listening Listening

B2 A2

Reading Reading

B2 B1

Spoken interaction Spoken interaction

B2 A1

Spoken production Spoken production

B2 A1

Writing Writing

B2 A2

Ability to work in a team and autonomously Hardworking and Ambitious great knowledge of tools like excel, word, power point

Persistent when faced with difficult problems and challenges Charismatic leadership from my experience as class leader and responsibilities

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