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Резюме от 5 июня 2024 Файл


Front-end програміст

30 лет
Город проживания:
Готов работать:
Днепр, Другие страны, Удаленно

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Загруженный файл

Файл содержит еще 1 страницу.

Версия для быстрого просмотра

Это резюме размещено в виде файла. Эта версия для быстрого просмотра может быть хуже, чем оригинал резюме.

Bihma Hlib
Frontend Developer
Dnipro, Ukraine

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Telegram: @glebbigma

Highly skilled and motivated Frontend Developer with experience in
developing and maintaining websites and web applications.
Passionate about creating user-friendly and efficient websites and
web apps with perfect UI that provide exceptional user experiences.
Excellent problem-solving and communication skills, with a strong
ability to work effectively both independently and in team

Programming Languages:
● JavaScript / TypeScript.

General Technologies:
● HTML (Pug), CSS (SCSS)
● FlexBox
● Pixel Perfect layout
● Adaptive layout
● Cross-browser layout
● Rest APIs (Fetch / Axios)
● Figma, Sketch, InVision, Zeplin

Libraries and Frameworks:
● I have extensive experience in creating web applications using
React.JS, using such tools as Redux, React Router and others.
● I continue to study Vue 3 (Composition API) and already have
one successfully completed project.

UI Libraries:
● Bootstrap
● Material UI
● Semantic UI
● Ant Design

Had experience with:
● Redux Saga
● Redux Toolkit
● Next.js
● Angular 2
● Apollo + GraphQL

Version control: Strong command of Git and experience with GitHub
or Bitbucket for efficient collaboration and code management.

Package managers: Strong command of NPM and Yarn and
experience with.
Continuous Learning: Strong commitment to staying updated with
the latest web technologies, tools, and industry trends to deliver
innovative solutions. I have plans for the future to learn Node.JS, in
order to take the position of a full-stack developer

Project Management: Familiarity with project management tools like
JIRA, Trello, and Agile methodologies such as Scrum and Kanban for
effective project planning and collaboration.

Position: Frontend Developer
Period: January 2023 - until now
Responsibilities: Development and support of projects of various
complexity using React.JS, Vue 3. Communication with customers.

Position: Frontend Developer
Period: July 2022 - December 2022
Responsibilities: Work on a web application using React.js, which
improves security in institutions by detecting weapons in visitors, with
the help of AI, and based on conclusions, making a decision to
provide information to 911. Development of new components,
refactoring of old components, refactoring of the project logic and UI
as a whole . Communication with an English-speaking customer.
Team size: 3
Position: Frontend Developer
Period: 2021 - July 2022
Responsibilities: Development and support of projects of various
complexity using React.JS. Communication with customers.

Position: Frontend Developer
Period: 2019 - 2021
Responsibilities: Development of a new version of the web
application, a tool for recording user behavior, designed to improve
the product.
Team size: 5

Position: Frontend Developer
Period: 2019 - 2020
Responsibilities: Development of services to simplify the work with
cryptocurrency. Development of new components and support of an
existing project using React.JS. Communication with the customer.
Team size: 4

Position: Junior Frontend Developer - Frontend Developer
Period: 2017 - 2019
Responsibilities: Development of websites, using HTML, CSS +
Preprocessors, JavaScript, open source libraries, development of
webapps using Angular 2, React.JS, development of the company's
main website with CSS animations. Communication with the
customers, project support, assistance in the development of the
Team size: 20+

Position: Trainee Frontend Developer
Period: 2015 - 2017
Responsibilities: Development of simple websites and landing
pages using HTML, CSS + Preprocessors, JavaScript, open source

● Academician V. Lazaryan Dnipro National University of Railway
Period: 2015 - 2017
Faculty of Computer Technology and Systems

● National Metallurgical Academy of Ukraine
Period: 2017 - 2019
Faculty of Computer Systems, Energy and Automation

Ukrainian - Native
English - Intermediate

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