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28 лет

Контактная информация

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Опыт работы

▸ Senior Social Protection Specialist

с 12.2021 по 08.2023 (1 год 8 месяцев)
VL Amalgamated Territorial Community | Lviv Region, Львів (Державні організації)

Provided administrative services in the field of Social Protection.
Acceptance of documents for appointment of social services.
▸ Lecturer | 2021 | World’s Largest Lesson in partnership with UNICEF.

Project Specialist

с 12.2018 по 08.2023 (4 года 8 месяцев)
VL Amalgamated Territorial Community | Lviv Region, Львів (Державні організації)

▸ Project Specialist
2018–2020 | VL Amalgamated Territorial Community | Lviv Region, Ukraine
Worked for build a liaison to local organizations, businesses, public agencies, legislative representatives, and the general public to educate, encourage collaboration and promote City programs, projects and activities.
Worked with the team to create frameworks and gather resources to enable the quick delivery of new programs or partnership initiatives. Created public presentations at City events and other venues to legislative bodies, business organizations, community groups, development associations and other constituents.
Worked on projects submitted to/and/or co-financed by: Ministry of Regions of Ukraine, Sectoral support of the EU, State Fund for Regional Development, Kusanone (Embassy of Japan in Ukraine), Competition of Projects of Local Initiatives, Euroregion Carpathians, Competition of Micro-Projects from the Embassy of Germany in Ukraine, Regional programs (Lviv Regional State Administration).
Close cooperated with: Department of Economic Policy of the Lviv Regional State Administration (next – LRSA), Department of Social Protection of the Population of the LRSA, Department of Education and Science of the LRSA, Department of Culture, Nationalities and Religions LRSA, DABI, Center for the Development of Local Self-Government (Lviv and Volyn Oblasts), ALC "Rady Lvivshchyny", U-LEAD, Peace Corps Ukraine, NU "Lviv Polytechnic" (Department of AFM and Tech StartUp School), LIET, Ukrainian Catholic University, UNICEF, IOM Ukraine, NGO "European Dialogue", CF "ROCADA", Norwegian Refugee Council.

▸ Senior Social Protection Specialist
2021–2023 | VL Amalgamated TC | Lviv Region, Ukraine
Provided administrative services in the field of Social Protection.
Acceptance of documents for appointment of social services.
▸ Lecturer | 2021 | World’s Largest Lesson in partnership with UNICEF.

▸ Responsible for maintaining the official website of the VL Amalgamated Territorial Community and its official page on Facebook
2018–2023 | VL ATC | Lviv Region, Ukraine
Was responsible for maintaining the official website of the VL ATC and the community's official Facebook page. Covered all events in the community; created infographics for important information campaigns, announcements, news, events, etc.; photographed and videotaped events, published and created text materials, electronically and (for those who do not have access to the Internet and the elderly - with the help of printed materials/infographics) communicated all the necessary information in difficult periods for our countries: The Covid-19 pandemic, the Russian Federation's full-scale war in Ukraine. Actively cooperated with the US Peace Corps - Ukraine, was the initiator of the creation (during the stay of a volunteer from the USA in the community) of a free English language school for all willing residents of the VL ATC.

Responsible for maintaining the official website of the VL ATC

с 12.2018 по 08.2023 (4 года 8 месяцев)
VL ATC, Львів (Державні організації)

Was responsible for maintaining the official website of the VL AT Community and the community's official Facebook page. Covered all events in the community; created infographics for important information campaigns, announcements, news, events, etc.; photographed and videotaped events, published and created text materials, electronically and (for those who do not have access to the Internet and the elderly - with the help of printed materials/infographics) communicated all the necessary information in difficult periods for our countries: The Covid-19 pandemic, the Russian Federation's full-scale war in Ukraine. Actively cooperated with the US Peace Corps - Ukraine, was the initiator of the creation (during the stay of a volunteer from the USA in the community) of a free English language school for all willing residents of the VL AT Community.

Teacher of Biology and Chemistry

с 09.2017 по 05.2018 (8 месяцев)
Школа, Львів (Освіта, наука)

Worked with new or existing presentation to create visually appealing, persuasive, effective presentations of all branches of biology. Created new and used existing animations, photographs, charts and graphs, and worked with colours, fonts, and sizes. I also designed my own graphic elements. Created and incorporated other visual aids in PowerPoint and Keynote.

▸ Ambassador | 2017–2021 | Sustainable Development Goals.

Junior Design Assistant / SMM-manager Assistant

с 12.2015 по 10.2017 (1 год 10 месяцев)
English Student, Львів (Видавництво, поліграфія)

Assisted in the creation of detailed sketches and drawings of English flesh-cards and its cover box for publisher purposes. Created a draft for a social media content calendar to ensure an average of 2 posts were published per day. Researched Internet trends, creating relevant photo/video content to publish on Instagram, Facebook, and main site.


с 07.2015 по наст. время (9 лет 2 месяца)
Freelance UA, Львів (Дизайн)

Project for hairstyle salon: created animated certificates, banners and video.
Designed a poster (for print) and an animated poster (for social media) for art event - Evgeniy Khmara.
Designed an animated gift certificates for Electric Music courses.
Designed stickers for private entrepreneur grocery store.
Created decorations for music clip.
Designed stickers
Instagram planning for companies


Український Католицький Університет

Факультет наук про здоров'я (Технології та інновації у соціальній роботі), Львів
Неоконченное высшее, с 2023 по 2024 (1 год)

ЛНУ ім. Івана Франка

Біологічний (Біологія), Львів
Высшее, с 2013 по 2018 (5 лет)

Знания и навыки

  • Відповідальність
  • Пунктуальність
  • Організованість
  • UI-дизайн
  • UX-дизайн
  • Дизайн сайтів
  • Розробка дизайну логотипів
  • Розробка дизайну банерів
  • Написання статей
  • Написання рекламних текстів
  • Написання наукових статей
  • Написання ТЗ
  • Розробка лендингів
  • Розробка фірмового стилю
  • Бажання вчитися і розвиватися
  • Розробка дизайну плакатів
  • Розробка айдентики
  • Медіапланування
  • Планування проєкту
  • Управління проєктами
  • Adobe Photoshop
  • Фотозйомка
  • Обробка фото
  • Знання фоторедакторів
  • Adobe Lightroom
  • Ретушування
  • Дизайн обкладинки
  • Ведення соціальних мереж
  • SMM
  • Зйомка stories
  • Ведення сторінок у Twitter
  • Створення контенту
  • Верстка
  • Знання графічних редакторів
  • Знання офісних програм
  • Figma
  • Adobe Illustrator
  • Trello
  • Slack
  • Mind mapping
  • Hand drawing
  • MS Excel
  • MS PowerPoint
  • MS Word
  • Keynote
  • Application of artificial intelligence
  • Застосування штучного інтелекту
  • Швидкий набір тексту
  • Уміння швидко засвоювати нову інформацію
  • Грамотна усна та письмова мова

Знание языков

  • Украинский — свободно
  • Английский — выше среднего
  • Французский — средний

Дополнительная информация

About me

Previously worked on different jobs or had one-time requests which required creative skills and not much time to learn graphic editor and complete job.
Now I am in search of creative and digital profession. I want to acquire knowledge, skills and experience in UI/UX development because it looks very interesting for me to work with Figma, Illustrator.
I am quick learner, self-motivated, hard-working and creative person. Looking for an opportunity to work on a real project and have a great professional mentors.


Visual Design • UI-Design • Figma • Prototyping • HTML Adobe Illustrator • Adobe Photoshop Adobe Lightroom • Canva • Gimp VistaCreate • VSCO • Pinnacle Studio • Vimeo • Videoleap Keynote • Microsoft PowerPoint Microsoft Excel • Trello • Coggle PicsArt • Clay

Soft Skills

Creative thinking • Teamwork Self-development • Effective collaboration • Communication

Contact me:
Tel.: [открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация») (calls, Telegram, Viber);
Tel.: [открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация») (calls, Telegram, Viber);
Email: [открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация»)

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