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Резюме от 13 июня 2024 Файл


UX/UI designer

29 лет
Город проживания:
Готов работать:
Киев, Львов

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Загруженный файл

Версия для быстрого просмотра

Это резюме размещено в виде файла. Эта версия для быстрого просмотра может быть хуже, чем оригинал резюме.


kulchytska ux/ui designer

[открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация»)
[открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация») - @vittttalina
Linkednl - vitalina
Behance - vitttalina
Kyiv, Ukraine/remote

About me Skills Tools
I am a person who is relentless in development. Based on my User Research Figma
experience in creating a business for 4 years, I can Information Architecture Illustrator
communicate with people, find a common language, listen
and negotiate, I know how to avoid and resolve conflicts, I CJM, Persona, User Flow Web-flow
can perceive changes, observe, and discover the essence Wireframing Jira
positively. Prototyping Notion
I led a team of 7 people, raising the rate of customer UI Design, Mobile Design Knowledge of SDLC
satisfaction at her previous job to 95%, receiving 120 Design System Waterfall
positive customer reviews in 2 months.
Animation Agile concepts (Scrum)
Usability Testing
English - Intermediate

UX/UI designer UX/UI designer
Mobile App - Food delivery WebSite - Portfolio
- Creation of a mobile food delivery application. With the help - Conducting interviews, analyzing competitors, creating
of UX Research (Survey, Heuristic Interface Analysis, In-depth personas and user stories, and product hypotheses.

interview, Jobs to be done, CJM, Kano Model, Information - Creation of a prototype, selection of compositions and
Architecture Mapping, User flow)
 typography, UI and adaptive for mobile devices, as well as
- Creating a prototype application and testing it in Maze. creation of a design system.

Analysis of test results.
 - Creation of various animations.
- Selection of references, creation of a color palette, selection
of typography, UI design and UI kit. Logotype for Wine Market.
- Analysis of competitors, selection of color palette and
WebSite - Coworking23 typography, and development of corporate identity.
- Conducting interviews, analyzing competitors, creating
personas and user stories, and product hypotheses.

- Creation of a prototype, selection of compositions and
typography, UI and adaptive for mobile devices, as well as
creation of a design system.

National University of Food Technologies mate academy
Bachelor of Finance and Credit ux/ui designer
June 2011 - Dec 2016 Apr 2023 - Mar 2024

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