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Резюме от 19 мая 2024 Файл


Front-end програміст

33 года
Город проживания:
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Загруженный файл

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Full Stack Developer

Bohdan Serhieiev
Transitioning from a chef to a Full Stack Developer, I've led projects in
HTML, CSS, and JS. Immersed in Full Stack development, I enjoy learning
on FreeCodeCamp and LeetCode, holding certifications in front-end and
JavaScript. My goal: to become a skilled developer mastering these

Project Experience
1. Food botique - GitHub TeamProject[ HTML5, CSS3, JS, Vite, Axios]
Responsive design, modals,swagger API. Role: Team Lead, Developer.
Our team collaborated tightly. In just a week, we met goals, managed extra
tasks. Our primary focus was JavaScript, maximizing its modules and a
smaller library for optimal project utilization.
2. minimal - GitHub TeamProject[ HTML5, CSS3, JS, Vite]
The website features an adaptive design
Responsive design, burger menu. Role: Team Lead, Developer.
Contacts As a team leader in a project, I enhanced my Git and teamwork abilities,
[открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация») improving collaboration, conflict resolution, and management skills.
[открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация») 3. Web Studio - GitHub [ HTML5, CSS3, JS]
Linkedin A website of WebStudio company.
GitHub Responsive design, transform effects, modal windows, burger menu. Role:
Poltava reg. Ukraine Developer Individual project.
Learning new technologies and development tools.
4. StoneBook - GitHub [ HTML5, Tailwind CSS, JS, React, Redux, RTK Query, REST ]
Tech Skills Contact book with personal data.
HTML5 Responsive design, transform effects, login system, theme changing. Role:
CSS3 Developer Individual project.
tailwind CSS Learning redux, routes and token base login system.
GitHub 5. serhieieva-studio [ HTML5 CSS, JS]
WebPack Web site gallery of video works. Responsive design, transform effects.
JavaScript Role: Personal work with uploading to domain.
React.js Small but real project for my wife hobbie.
Work Experience
Head Chef Some Like it Hot
Soft Skills October 2017 - February 2022 | Ukraine
Menu planning: Developing and planning dishes for a
Attention to Detail
restaurant or establishment.
Time Management
Kitchen management: Coordinating and supervising
Creativity and Innovation
kitchen and kitchen staff work.
Adaptability and Resilience
Cooking dishes: Preparing dishes at a high professional
Leadership and Teamwork
Increased restaurant demand by 10% through my ideas.
Reduced costs by 7%.
FreeCodeCamp JavaScript Efficient time management within the team under my
FreeCodeCamp Web Design leadership.
Front End Li braries
EPAM IT Marathon 3.0
GoIT IT Services and IT Consulting
Languages: Full Stack Developer
June 2023 - May 2024 | Ukraine
Ukrainian: Native
English: Upper Intermediate Kharkiv Institute of Trade and Economics
Food technology
September 2013 - June 2017 | Ukraine

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