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ASP.Net developer

20 лет

Контактная информация

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Загруженный файл

Версия для быстрого просмотра

Это резюме размещено в виде файла. Эта версия для быстрого просмотра может быть хуже, чем оригинал резюме.

Maksym Kasatkin
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Professional profile

A student of the economic cybernetics course, having learned programming on his own, with experience working as a freelancer, is motivated to live independently.
I have been requalified for the role of C#/.NET developer. I studied separately for 6 months and worked as a freelancer with the team for one year. I have experience with Scrum, Agile, and Git technologies. I also know how to ask questions correctly and manage my time wisely when faced with a problem. In addition to my skills with the server, I have a good understanding of English, which will help the employer save time and communicate with the client more effectively.

Core skills

• C# (2+ years)
• .NET (2+ years)
• SQL (2+ year)
• JS (1,5 year)
• HTML (1,5 year)
• CSS (1,5 year)
• AJAX (1 year)
• Scrum (2+ year)
• Git (2+ years)

Career summary

April 2023 – September 2023 Freelance, Full-stack developer
At Capitallion, I'm the ASP.NET Core developer, responsible for writing a back-end code ensuring that it interfaces with the existing React front-end. So my part is linking the React front-end and ASP.NET Core back-end. I also manage database building and communication with it.
Key responsibilities:
• Creating a reliable database structure.
• Building solid back-end logic and connecting it with the React front-end.

March 2023 – May 2023 Freelance, Full-stack developer
I am a co-developer of a website for a rehabilitation center for children in Odesa. It became necessary to modernize the previous site because it was not adaptively responsive, did not offer enough functionality, and looked old-fashioned. The back-end is built with NET Core and EF Core, and the front-end is built with Bootstrap5, HTML, CSS, JS, and jQuery library.
Key responsibilities:
• Implement authentication and authorization via asp.net identity
• Update the front-end part via site template
• Add CRUD-operations
• Publish the application to the server

August 2022 – February 2023 Freelance, Full-stack developer
Working with the team in Scrum mode (Jira Software) with the Git version control system, I develop cases using JS, CSS, HTML, Bootstrap 5, ASP.NET Core, C#, and MS SQL Server. During work, I perform both Front-end and Back-end tasks. In addition to setting up a server, I know how to publish a project.
Key responsibilities:
• Adjusting the appearance of the page
• Dynamic interaction with the user (with the help of JavaScript)
• Immediately refresh the data on the page via AJAX queries
• Creation of CRUD operations, interaction with databases
• Publishing the site to the server

January 2022 – February 2023 Fl[ai] Analytics, Full-stack developer
During my time at Fl[ai] Analytics, I had an incredible opportunity to kickstart my career as a Full-Stack Developer in the Jira Scrum team. I acquired skills in JS, CSS, HTML, Bootstrap, .NET, C#, and MS SQL Server, and I was excited to put them into action. I had the chance to handle both front-end and back-end tasks.
Key responsibilities:
• Develop and optimize CRUD operations.
• Enhanced the front-end using Bootstrap, jQuery, HTML, CSS, and JS.
• Implemented scalable back-end logic using ASP.NET Core and EF Core.

Education & qualification

C#, .NETJuly 2021 – Present
Self-learned C# and .NET Core. During the study process, I created the most straightforward application via learn.microsoft.com. The leading platforms for the study are metanit.com and learn.microsoft.com.

PythonFebruary 2021 – June 2021
My knowledge of Python programming language is basic. I have developed bots. A successful project is a homework bot (Aiogram library).

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