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Резюме от 26 февраля 2024 Файл

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Этот соискатель решил скрыть свои личные данные и контакты. Вы можете связаться с ним со страницы https://www.work.ua/resumes/10490409

Web software engineer


Контактная информация

Соискатель скрыл свои личные данные, но вы сможете отправить ему сообщение или предложить вакансию, если откроете контакты.

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Загруженный файл

Версия для быстрого просмотра

Это резюме размещено в виде файла. Эта версия для быстрого просмотра может быть хуже, чем оригинал резюме.

Roman Tseduliak
Software Engineer

Details Pro3le
Address Highly skilled and motivated Software Engineer with , years of experience in software
Ukraine developmentz specialiNing in web and mobile app development. Adept at designingz
developingz and maintaining complex software solutions.
[открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация»)

Email Employment History
[открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация») —oble codes
Sep 2020 O Present Lviv

Links Cver the past three yearsz I have been involved in an exciting projects focused on real
estate sales and providing clients with the opportunity for virtual property tours through
My linkedIn
a websitez mobile applicationz and VMS. Smart House Security Systems and keyless access
Utour project were implemented using modern technologiesz allowing users to control access to their
Tripointe project property through the website or mobile applicationz including security system management.
Integration of :oice Assistants and Vhat- Voice Assistant (Alexa) was integrated to provide
Epcon project
users with the ability to control various functions using voice commands. Chat with a
DRB homes project Corresponding Seller was implemented to facilitate convenient communication between
DRB group project users and company representatives and realtors online. Using these technologies and
functionalitiesz we have developed an innovative and user centric product for the real estate
industryz allowing clients to ef3ciently browse and select properties online. All of this creates
Skills an innovative and highly ef3cient web applicationz providing users with convenient access to
real estate servicesz house toursz interaction with specialistsz and much moreOall available
SoftServe courses
Sep 2019 O Cct 2019
typeScript course by :yacheslav (oldovsky) JavaScript F
express.js —ov 2019 O Dec 2019

node.js JavaScript advanced

EPAM university program
Jan 2020 O Mar 2020
front end )JSF

Languages Ckten web school
Ukrainian Aug 2020 O Mar 2021

ullstack developer/
Eleks university
Poland —ov 2021 O eb 2022

DevCps Vamp

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