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Volodymyr [открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация»)

Ukraine, Kharkiv.


Strategically oriented and experienced leader with over 10 years of
Chief Operating Officer / Owner of Retail Store Network
experience in operational management. Professionally focused on 2017 – 2024
achieving results and optimizing business processes to enhance
efficiency and improve productivity metrics. Possess excellent skills • Strategic Management: Developed and implemented growth
in personnel management, strategy development, operations, and strategies for the retail store network to ensure stable business
implementing innovative solutions to enhance quality and increase growth and profitability.
profit. Ready to effectively manage multiple aspects of operational
activities, ensuring high levels of customer service and achievement • Process Optimization: Enhanced internal management, logistics,
of corporate objectives. Have a positive track record of managing procurement, and customer service processes to increase efficiency
teams of over 20 persons. Willing to relocate and business trips as and reduce costs.
• Personnel Management: Conducted recruitment, training, and
motivation of staff to ensure high-quality service and achievement
of corporate goals. Managed a team of 10 persons.

SKILLS AND QUALIFICATIONS: • Financial Planning: Managed the company's financial resources,
including budget development, expenditure monitoring, and
 Strategic Management: Developed and implemented financial analysis. Also handled accounting and reporting.
strategies aimed at achieving the mission and objectives
of both commercial and non-profit organizations. • Business Development: Identified new opportunities for
 Process Optimization: Enhanced internal processes to business expansion, including opening new stores, developing
increase the efficiency and effectiveness of organizational marketing campaigns, and building partnerships. Under my
operations. leadership, we expanded the network to 5 stores. Actively
 Leadership: Led a team of employees (up to 20 promoted the brand online and on social media, resulting in a 30%
persons), motivating them to achieve high results and increase in store sales.
personal growth.
Representative of Muovitech Company in Ukraine and CIS Countries
 Financial Management: Possess skills in effectively
2012 – 2017
managing the organization's budget and resources to
ensure financial stability. • Organized and conducted seminars for specialists on energy
 Adaptability and Innovative Strategies: Prepared to efficiency and the use of modern technologies.
quickly respond to changes in the external environment • Participated in exhibitions and conferences to promote the
and implement innovative approaches in organizational company's products and develop partnerships.
activities. • Developed and distributed educational materials for specialists in
energy efficiency and thermotechnics.
• Under my leadership, the company grew to more than 20
employees. Thanks to my contribution, the company became well-
known in the CIS countries. Additionally, I oversaw the opening of
EDUCATION equipment production, employing workers from Ukraine and

• 1996-1998: Language school at the British Council in the Logistics and Tourism Manager at IBN L.L.C., Dubai, UAE
Middle East. Received B3 certificate (English language). 2005 – 2012
• Managed logistics processes in the company, including
• 1999-2004: Institute of Oriental Studies and procurement, warehousing, and transportation, to ensure efficient
International Relations "Kharkiv Collegium". customer service and cost reduction.
• Under my leadership, the company's client base grew by 50% due
Degree: Specialist. to effective customer acquisition and retention strategies.
Major: International Economic Relations. • Managed personnel, ensuring their professional competence and
motivation, resulting in high performance. The company became
one of the top 10 tour operators in the United Arab Emirates.
International Relations Specialist
Ministry of Economy of Ukraine March 2003 -
September 2003

• Actively engaged in the development and implementation
of international cooperation strategies in the field of
economics. Received positive feedback from leading
• Developed intergovernmental and international
commissions and representations of trade chambers.
• Conducted analysis of international economic trends and
their impact on the economy of Ukraine.
• Participated in international conferences and meetings to
present Ukraine's position on economic issues and
cooperation at the Ministry of Economy of Ukraine.
[открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация»)
[открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация»)
[открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация»)
Ukraine, Kharkiv

Cover Letter

I am expressing my interest in the position of Chief Operating Officer at your prestigious organization, known for its influe nce and commitment to
achieving social goals. With my experience in management, strategic thinking, and results-driven approach, I believe I can significantly contribute to
fulfilling your organization's mission.

Throughout my career, I have successfully managed strategic and operational aspects of businesses in various industries, incl uding international
relations. My skills in leadership, data analysis, process optimization, and communication have led to significant achievemen ts in my previous projects.
I am deeply convinced that my energy and ability to mobilize and motivate teams will help you reach new heights in your organization's development.

One of the reasons motivating me to apply for this position is my great respect for your organization and confidence that my skills and experience
meet the requirements of this role. I believe that my work ethic, enthusiasm, and ability to adapt to change will make me a valuable addition to your

I am willing to relocate and business trips as required.

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