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Резюме от 2 марта 2024 Файл


Big data engineer

23 года
Город проживания:
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Roman Skok | Data Engineer
Lviv, Ukraine
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Software Engineer with 3 years of experience and 1.5+ years of experience in Data Engineering with a strong foun-
dation in Python development. I have a passion for learning and thrive on challenges that allow me to grow both
professionally and personally. As a constant learner, I am always working to improve my engineering skills. I am a
hard-working and creative team player who enjoys collaborating with others to develop innovative solutions.
Programming Languages: Python, TypeScript, Go, JavaScript Data: Airflow, dbt
Database: PostgreSQL, DynamoDB, Snowflake, Teradata Tools: Docker, Jenkins, Terraform
Clouds: AWS(Lambda, ECS, ECR, S3) Knowledge: Async, Concurrency
Data Engineer, Data Sourcing Oct 2023 - Present
Revelio Labs New York, USA
• Successfully enhanced pipeline stability, resulting in a 30% reduction in pipeline failures and ensuring consistent
data availability.
• Improved data quality and delivery by resolving critical bugs and data inconsistencies, resulting in a 20% increase
in data accuracy.
• Developed and implemented multiple integration scripts for various data sources, enabling seamless data inges-
tion and processing.
Data Engineer Oct 2022 - Oct 2023
N-iX Lviv, Ukraine
• Executed data integration and migration processes within Snowflake, ensuring seamless data flow across systems
• Streamlined data transformation pipelines, reducing processing errors by 15% and enhancing data accuracy
• Preformed the migration process from Teradata to Snowflake, ensuring seamless transition and minimal disrup-
tion to operations.
Software Engineer Dec 2021 - Oct 2022
Future Proof Technology Lviv, Ukraine
• Developed and tested digital robots for automation purposes using RPA Framework, that helped customers to
decrease manual work time up to 40%
• Developed internal reusable components for working with Microsoft API (OneDrive), SFTP that were used in
20% of all created Digital Robots
Software Engineer Sep 2021 - Mar 2022
Naturalex, Part-Time Geneva, Switzerland
• Performed web-scraping and data mining using Python, Scrapy, Selenium, which filled 60% of missing product
data. This led to a 30% improvement in user experience by providing more accurate product information.
Hackathon. Led a team during a hackathon project where, within 24 hours, we developed a volunteer assistance
website geared towards enhancing the volunteering experience. I also had the privilege of being a speaker, introducing
our project to the audience. Our efforts involved implementing the backend REST API using Golang and setting up
continuous integration and continuous deployment (CI/CD) as well as a web server using Docker, docker-compose,
AWS RDS, and AWS EC2. As a result, our project placed in the top 2 of the competition, showcasing the effectiveness
of our solution. (Github repo)
Bachelor of Software Engineering, Lviv Polytechnic National University 2021 - 2025
The head of the academic group
Working on Academic Research. Subject: Probability and statistics
Member of Recruiting Tech Team (backend). Took lead role in developing chat-bot for recruitment team

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