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Резюме от 30 мая 2024 Файл


Junior C++ Developer

19 лет
Город проживания:
Готов работать:
Ирпень, Киев

Контактная информация

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Загруженный файл

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Vladislav Poliakov
Phone number: [открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация»)
E-mail: [открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация»)
Telegram: https://t.me/ParrKenna | @ParrKenna | Search by phone opened
Linkedin: [открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация»)
Djinni: https://djinni.co/q/dbfdf0f6b8/
Viber by phone [открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация»)

Living at: Irpin, Kyyivs’ka oblast’, Ukraine, 08205
Born 05/09/2004

Short self-description:

I’m highly motivated to build a career in IT, developing myself as a
professional, advancing my skills and getting new ones. My primary direction
is coding/programming, but I also looking for other vacancies, including
management, business analysis, and other.
I’m ready to hard work for full-time, without expecting simple job for a lot of

My education:
Fach College of Engineers, Management and Land Policing of the National
Aviation University
Located in Kyyiv
Degree: Junior Technician-Programmer
Specialization: Software Engineering
From September 2019 to June 2023
In college, I learned full life circle of software development, from creating
requirements to writing documentation. Main disadvantage was structure of
skills, built around chronology of development against employee, which
responsibilities need them.

Courses and tutors
I have been learning English most of my life with different couches. I have B2
Upper-Intermediate listening/speaking level of English, and my reading/writing
is on C1 Advance level.

I hardly worked on my programming skills by myself, developing my ability of
learning, searching information, using AI, search engines, forums and
documentation. Also, I prefer to use English in this case. Also, I got and
advanced many other skills by this way.

My skills:

Hard skills:
 C++ (logical, Embedded) - My primary programming language. I prefer to
use it, but open to learn and use other. I have a Junior level,
understanding most principles, can easily read code, but don’t use any
specific libraries, and have a lot that I what to know more. I also had
commercial experience in Embedded Development using C++, and
educational experience using it to create logic-oriented console
applications. As Embedded Developer, I used Arduino IDE, developing
software for AVR architecture;
 C# (logical, Unity2D) - I used this language to create game on Unity, while
studying in college. I have basic knowledge about structure and principles;
 Manual QA(testing) and problem solving- All the time I was studying and
working, I also used different methods of manual testing for the software I
was developing, and solving any problems I found. It helped me with
advancing my attentiveness, founding bugs and mistakes, reading and
understanding errors;
Other parts of development:
 Project Management;
 Business Analysis;
 Documentation writing and reading;
 SDLC/Agile/Scrum/Waterflow;
 Client-developer communications;
 UML language;
 Client-experience testing;
Additional hard skills:
 Confident user of MS Windows;
 Basic MS Office, MS Access, MS SQL;
 Regular Linux(Ubuntu) user;
 IP Phones setting-up (Grandstream, Fanvil).
Soft skills:
 Fast learning;
 Fast skill developing;
 Adapting;
 Communications;
 Team Management;
 Explaining, educating;
 Reading others code;
 Oriented on self-growth and team result;
 Creative thinking;
 Problem-solving;
 Getting deep into work;
 Highly self-motivating;
 Ready for hard-working;
 Stress resistance;
 Ukrainian language is native;
 Russian language as native;
 English language C1 Advanced for writing/reading, B2 for
speaking/listening ( certificate: https://www.efset.org/cert/oAp2E2 )

Work Experience:
C++ Embedded Developer in WWService for 4 month:
As Embedded Developer, I worked on controller for pump stations. I was
responsible for developing software, testing, part selection, creating test
instances, communicating with client. I used architecture AVR and Arduino
IDE, all software was created on C++. The project was frozen on stage of
advancing and functionality extension.

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