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Резюме от 6 марта 2024 Файл


Internship android developer

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Maksym Romanov
Android developer


Email: [открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация»)

Ph.N.: [открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация»)

With a background in Math(algebra and discrete mathemathics) and pretty good level of English,I have a solid foundation
of knowledge necessary for Android programming and it helps me to understand and learn new things. I have also
worked on personal projects to develop my skills. I am enthusiastic about collaborating with a team.I have a very big
desire to create new projects or participate in existing that are useful for other people and society.Additionally, I adore
playing billiard and listening music,which improve my concentration and trains my brain to see everything from different
angles. I am seeking opportunities to work on projects that will allow me to grow professionally and get experience to
bring into life some of my crazy ideas.

Work Experience

1 year of experience in creating Android applications.Have experience in creating apps with
databases,creating design using different approaches(xml,jetpack compose),working with
requests to servers(retrofit2).Good understanding of what project structure is and how
important it is.
Links to the code of my projects on GitHub:

https://github.com/Dekart69/CodeToWeatherApp (Weather app(xml))

https://github.com/Dekart69/ShoppingList (Shopping List and Notes app)

https://github.com/Dekart69/WeatherAppJetpackCompose (Weather app simlified(Jetpack Compose))


"I am a third-year undergraduate student at Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, studying at
the Faculty of Applied Mathematics and Informatics.
Field of study: System Analysis

Skills Languages

Git Hub Ukrainian - Native
PostgreSQL English - Upper-Intermediate
Understanding of MVVM and SOLID principles
Library retrofit2
good knowledge of kotlin language and Android studio
jetpack compose

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