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Front-end програміст

20 лет

Контактная информация

Соискатель указал телефон и эл. почту.

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Загруженный файл

Версия для быстрого просмотра

Это резюме размещено в виде файла. Эта версия для быстрого просмотра может быть хуже, чем оригинал резюме.

VOLODYMYR [открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация»)

[открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация»)

Trainee/Junior Frontend Developer @Volodymyr_Smahliuk

Volodymyr Smahliuk

I’m a fourth-year student passionate about web interface development. I have a solid foundation in HTML, CSS,
JavaScript, TypeScript, React, and Node.js, and I enjoy figuring out how to create smooth and efficient frontend
experiences. I’m eager to join a team where I can take on new challenges, grow my skills, and gain hands-on
experience as a junior web developer. I'm excited to learn on the job and contribute to building great websites
and applications.

SoftServe Academy | 1.09.2023 - 3.11.2023
Lviv Polytechnic National University Mastered React.js, Node.js, TypeScript, and Redux Toolkit
Fourth-year student pursuing Bachelor's Degree quickly.
in Computer Science Collaborated effectively in a team, contributing to project
2021 – 2025 success through strong communication and problem-solving.
Developed the core functionality for a cat shelter application in
a team project, showcasing leadership and technical skills.
CERTIFICATIONS TechMagic Academy | 1.07.2024 - 5.9.2024
Mastered Angular, TS, Node.js, Express, MongoDB, and
The Complete JavaScript Course 2023 :
Mongoose within the first month.
From Zero to Expert!
Successfully completed a final project that received positive
on Udemy issued Aug 2023
feedback from mentors.
Web Design for Everybody Capstone
Gained hands-on experience with Scrum methodology,
at University of Michigan issued Feb 2023
including daily tech-syncs, daily status meetings, and sprint
Practical React Course from SoftServe
EF SET English Certificate 64/100 (C1
Participated in code reviews and collaborative team work.
Contributed to the development of a recruitment app by
issued Sep 2023
participating in building the database structure, designing the UI
for candidate pages, and implementing backend and frontend
PET PROJECTS logic for question interactions.
ChatBox - web messanger app
Tehnologies: HTML/CSS/JS/React/Firebase
Description: The system is a web messenger HTML / CSS / SCSS
that allows users to register and log in to send Javascript / Typescript
messages and photos to other users. The React.js / Angular
platform provides fast and convenient real- Node.js / RestAPI / Express.js
time communication MongoDB / Mongoose
GrabNGo - fastfood restaurant website Redux Toolkit
Tehnologies: HTML/CSS/JS/SQLite/Node.js Angular Material/ PrimeNG
Description: The system features a user- Agile/Scrum
friendly menu interface, providing customers
with detailed information about available food SOFT SKILLS
English : Intermediate
Jewelry.com-jewelry shop automation app
Tehnologies: JS/TS/Angular/Node.js/Mongo
Description: The jewelry store management
Attention to details
system enables tracking of items, sales, and
materials with user authentication. Users can
Focus on quality
create items from materials and assign them
to customers, streamlining inventory and
Fast learning ability
sales management.
Time management

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