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Резюме от 19 марта 2024 Файл


Junior, Trainee React developer


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ANDREW FODOR Ak. Lazarenko St, 42, Lviv

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+095 320 1699

Today I am a student. I also the front-end developer. Korolevo`s School #2
Among the positive qualities, I can highlight such as 2010 - 2021 | complete general
diligence, perseverance, good dedication, discipline. education
I have been studying front-end technologies for two
years both on my own and by taking various courses Lviv Polytechnic National University
2021 - today | Computer Engineering


deep understanding of JS, React
My journey began with independent learning of and related technologies (react-
basic technologies, including HTML5, CSS3, JS, router-dom, react-redux, redux-
ReactJS, NodeJS, Git, Github, Figma roolkit, redux-thunk, formik,
Then I took courses and marathons, created projects axios, reselect, jest, CSS modules
for applying and assimilating the knowledge I stylesheet, git, eslint, prettier,
received, graduated from Binary Studio Academy vite, flex-box, grid, BEM, etc)
Own projects:
the ability to apply this
1)PodcastPage-skills of flex-box, stylization, basic layout. knowledge, learn new
2) SocialNetworkSamuraiJS - React application. Skills in technologies and the desire to
using basic SPA creation technologies learn new principles
Binary Studio Academy course`s projects: the ability to read other people's
1) homepage - small page. Advanced work with git and code and supplement it
github, branches, pull requests, projects, etc understanding of soft skills,
2) FightersClubGame - browser game. Skills of writing teamwork methodologies, such
clean code, applying all js knowledge, analyzing other`s
as scrum, agile, waterfall
familiar with Node JS, Express,
3) FightersClubGame_server - server for the game. Tips
for working with the back-end. Principle routes-services-
patterns and database
models-repositories. technologies
4)Bulka-s_personal_academy - advanced page layout, grid
5)TravelApp(TS version) - react application. Typing skills,
effective use of TS, redux-toolkit, hooks
6) TravelApp(JS version) - the same travelapp but on JS.
Consolidation of acquired knowledge, use of js English: Intermediate, B1
GoIT, ITBrains marathon`s projects: (estimated by ENGin)
1) Resume_template - a simple page, layout
2) WebStudio_site - a small site. Pure HTML+CSS+JS Ukrainian: native speaker

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