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Резюме от 23 марта 2024 Файл


Python developer

25 лет
Город проживания:
Готов работать:
Удаленно, Харьков

Контактная информация

Соискатель указал телефон , эл. почту и Instagram.

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Загруженный файл

Версия для быстрого просмотра

Это резюме размещено в виде файла. Эта версия для быстрого просмотра может быть хуже, чем оригинал резюме.

Ihor Plakhotnyk
[открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация»)

[открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация»)



I am a young and ambitious Junior Python Web Developer with a strong passion for creating
high-quality software. With 1 year of experience in software development, I have focused
primarily on web applications. My expertise lies in utilizing a variety of frameworks and libraries,
including Django, DRF, Celery, Fast API, Selenium, and BeautifulSoup. I also have experience
working with SQL databases such as PostgreSQL and SQLite, as well as NoSQL databases like
Redis. Proficient in version control using Git and GitHub, I am adept at using tools such as Visual
Studio Code, PyCharm. My platform experience includes both Windows and Linux
environments. I am familiar with design patterns such as SOLID, KISS, and DRY, and strive to
apply these principles in my work. I have an Intermediate level of English and am experienced in
HTML and CSS. Additionally, I have experience in developing RESTful APIs, testing and debugging
code, and effectively working in teams to lead projects from inception to completion.

Key Skills:
• Programming Languages: Python
• Experience: 1 year in software development, with a focus on web applications
• Frameworks and Libraries: Django, DRF, Celery, TensorFlow, Requests, Fast API, Selenium,
NumPy, BeautifulSoup, Asyncio, Aiogram
• Databases: SQL (PostgreSQL, SQLite), NoSQL (Redis)
• Version Control: Git, GitHub
• Tools: Visual Studio Code, PyCharm, Postman
• Platforms: Windows, Linux
• Design Patterns: SOLID, KISS, DRY
• Experienced in HTML and CSS
• Development of RESTful APIs
• Testing and debugging code
• Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)
• Asynchronous Programming
Language Skills:
English – Intermediate

Bachelor of Science in Computer Science, Ukrainian State Chemical Technology University
• Graduation Year: 2020
• Relevant coursework: Introduction to Programming with Python, Object-Oriented
Programming, Web Development with Django, Data Analysis with Python


Freelance project:
The task involves text recognition from photos and storing the extracted
text in a table. The objective is to automate this process for a large number
of transport waybills.
I addressed this task using the EasyOCR library for text extraction from
photos. Then, leveraging regular expressions, I isolated the relevant data
and stored the results in an Excel spreadsheet using the XlsxWriter library.

Freelance project:
Integrate ChatGPT into a Telegram bot.
Utilizing the provided ChatGPT API, I established a connection between the
bot and ChatGPT. Additionally, leveraging the aiogram library, which was
used to create the bot, I implemented multiple buttons to facilitate user
interaction with ChatGPT through the Telegram bot

Additional Information:

• Skilled in English language
• Eager to learn and adapt quickly
• Open to new challenges and opportunities for professional growth
• Effective teamwork

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