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Резюме от 23 мая 2024 Файл


Front-end разработчик

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Kyiv, Ukraine, remote
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Creative Front-end developer with an education in Flexible Computerized Systems. Passionate about learning and
applying technologies such as React, TypeScript, JavaScript, SCSS, and BEM methodology. I am a team player with
excellent communication skills, proven by my experience as a bar director, where effective communication with customers
and staff was crucial. Intermediate proficiency in English. Skilled in programming microcontrollers with C++ and
successfully deploying code into production. Ready for remote work and new challenges in the field of front-end

Typescript, JavaScript (ES2015–2019) Frontend Developer, June 2021 – Present
React, Redux Developing React applications utilizing advanced features such as
HTML5, CSS3, Sass (SCSS), BEM, JSX, hooks, router, and functional components, resulting in a 20%
Bootstrap, Bulma, Material UI increase in application performance and user engagement.
Creating Pixel Perfect (1:1) and responsive web pages based on
Photoshop, Figma, LightRoom
Git/GitHub, VS Code, Chrome Developer Figma grid layout design, achieving a seamless user experience
Tools, NPM, Webpack across desktop and mobile deviсes.
Algorithms: Solved 211 katas on Handling code reviews, investigating, reproducing, and fixing bugs.
CodeWars Utilizing Figma designs and Photoshop to create visually appealing
Basic OOP understanding, basic C/C++ and user-friendly interfaces;
knowledge Collaborating with designers and stakeholders to ensure accurate
English: Intermediate implementation of design concepts;

National Technical University of Ukraine Phone Shop: ClothShop:
"Kyiv Polytechnic Institute" [React, TS, HTML, SASS] [HTML, SASS, JS]
Master's Degree in Flexible Computerized Demo Demo
Systems and Robotics GitHub Code GitHub Code
2008 – 2015

ADDITIONAL EDUCATION ListenLife Landing: CastaWay Podcast:
Frontend course at Mate academy (Git, HTML, Demo Demo
CSS, JavaScript, Typescript, React, Web) GitHub Code GitHub Code
CodeWars [221 Kata Completed]
Udemy: “Learn to Program in Javascript:
Beginner to Pro”; “Javascript Essentials”; PREVIOUS EXPERIENCE
“Responsive Web & Mobile Development in
HTML, CSS & Javascript”
Engineer - Designer, 2015 - 2021
Technologies: С++, CAD (Computer-Aided Design), Cura, LightBurn,
ACHIEVEMENTS PhotoShop, LightRoom
Proficient in assembling and configuring
drones: Developing and programming of control elements, gyro-stabilized
selection and integration of drone platforms, parachute systems, and serial production optimization.
components including airframes, Successfully launched serial production.
motors, flight controllers, batteries, Developing and modernization of power tools. Established a 3D
and cameras modeling department for printing parts on a 3D printer.
tuning software and hardware
settings to achieve optimal Repairing, flashing of control units, and maintenance of special
performance and functionality. equipment.

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