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Резюме от 9 июня 2024 Файл


Unity 3D програміст

27 лет
Кривой Рог

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Dmitry Semenko
Software Engineer
Date of birth: June/26/1997
City: Krivyi Rih, Ukraine
Contact phone: [открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация»)
E-Mail: [открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация»)
GitHub: https://github.com/MightyPants22

2018 – 2020, KNEU
M.Sc. Information technology. Software Engineering
2014 – 2018, KNEU
B.Sc. Information technology. Software Engineering

Scientific Works
of the international scientific and practical conference, “Educator”, 2018, [mirror link]

• C# - Core, OOP, Networking

• C++ - Core, OOP, Manual memory management
• Java - Core, OOP, Networking

• IDE - Eclipse, Visual Studio, Android Studio, WebStorm

• Version Control – Git

• Multiplatform development (PC, Android, iOS)

• OpenGL Basics

• Math Background

• C++ MFC Basics

• MVC Development Basics

• Unity (6 months of Freelance)

• Unreal Engine (4-6 months of Freelance)

• Russian – Fluent;
• Ukrainian – Upper Intermediate;
• English – Upper Intermediate.

C# Networking skills is creating Client-Server applications which is demonstrated in my project
Chess that has been written in IDE – Visual Studio, and it’s an simple application that is based on
real game Chess. Where was realized all rules and multiplayer between 2 players on peer-to-peer
connection type. All calculations of figures movements or “figure deaths”, check and mate states are
calculated on Host side. On right side of application was based who’s turn it is and which side has
what amount of figures. Under it was players names and logs about turns of players.
GitHub repository:

Java Networking skills are based on Bachelor’s degree group project, my part in there was to create
network code for players to connect to each other, chat sync and files transfer. Player connection
was decided to do in the same way as in C# through Peer-to-Peer connection. During development
process chat feature was decided to be not implemented on early stage. For file transfer has been
made an FTP server which was transferring any data that has weight around 4 GB was transferred
without losing a single package. FTP server was connected to an project and initialized after
connection process to make sure people have same information/maps/etc resources to not cause
desync later on. All of that was made on IDE – Eclipse.
OpenGL Core with FreeGLUT toolkit has been used to create real-time Solar System application
with different camera positioning and possibility for free view as well. With help of FreeGLUT
was initiated control system with keyboard for hotkeys for different cameras or free view. All
planets are moving according to sun and it was initiated with Further Mathematics (Matrix)
GitHub repository:

Work Experience
06.2021 – To Present

Sigma Software Junior Software Developer
• Multiplatform development (PC, Android, iOS)
• Code optimization
• Bug fixing and animation fixing
• Backlog clearing of multiple projects

[PC, Android, iOS] Six Jewels Responsibilities:
• Changing UI
• Fixing reel’s
• Ba

Link to the product page:

[PC, Android, iOS] King’s Mask
• Changing UI
• Code optimization
• Bug fixing

[PC, Android, iOS] Champions of Mithrune
• Changing UI
• Code optimization
• Bug fixing

Was also doing Backlog fixing of different games

Другие резюме этого кандидата

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