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Region: Kyiv
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Work experience:
• Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences.
• PhD.
• Since 1990 I have been teaching Ukrainian to ambassadors of foreign countries, and civil servants of Ukraine. I work with professional terminology.
• Author of methods of teaching Ukrainian and Russian as foreign languages.
• Author of more than 50 scientific and methodological works, and a biology dictionary.
• Experienced public speaker, teacher of Ukrainian and Russian languages and literature, and Ukrainian and Russian as foreign languages.

-09. 2013 – 30.06.2022 – Associate Professor of the Department of Ukrainian Philology for Foreign Citizens, Institute of Philology, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv.
I taught Ukrainian and Russian Practical Courses to foreign students of all institutes and faculties of the university, and the Translation Practice Course to masters of the English-taught program in International Communications and Global Media of the Institute of International Relations, Communicative Strategies program to students exchange students, Professional and Corporate Ethics program to master students. I managed scientific works (course works, bachelor theses, and master theses), as well as the translation and production practices of the students.

-11.2012 – 06.2013 – Associate Professor of Departments of Ukrainian and foreign languages in Kyiv University of Management and Entrepreneurship (GVNFROM "KUUP").
I taught professional Ukrainian and Russian.

-09.2011 - 12.2011 - Chief Specialist of the Information and Analysis Department of the Professional Training System of Civil Servants and Officials of Local Self-Government Bodies of the Content and Advanced Training Coordination Unit of the Institute for Advanced Training of Senior Personnel of the National Academy of State Administration (elected by competition).
- Associate Professor of the Parliamentarism and Political Management Department of the National Academy of State Administration (part-time).
- Associate Professor of the Department of Humanities of the State Institute of Personnel Training (part-time. dismissed on 05.2012).
- The disciplines I taught are Speech Etiquette and Business Language Culture as advanced training courses at the National Academy of State Administration as well as Formation of Representative Power in Ukraine and Theory and History of Parliamentarism courses at the Department of Parliamentarism and Political Management at the National Academy of State Administration. I developed research works and syllabuses, provided educational and methodological support in these disciplines, gave lectures, conducted practical classes, tests, and modular assessments, and took exams.
- I was an expert in the Best Civil Servant competition.
- I provided media coverage of the work of the Advanced Training Institute on the NADU website. I participated in the preparation of presentation materials on the modernization of the Institute's activities. Namely, I prepared a brochure and a booklet of the Advanced Training Institute, updated the Advanced Training Institute page on the website, and information on the stands.
- I conducted surveys and tests for participants of short-term seminars and summarized their results.
- I assessed the teaching quality, and submitted proposals on the topics of seminars and training, and proposals for improvement.
- I studied and summarized issues and proposals on public administration, civil service, and regional policy, which students raised during training sessions.
- Participated in the preparation of reporting information for the Secretariat of the President of Ukraine, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, the MDCS of Ukraine, the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, and the National Academy on the results of training and modernization steps in the Advanced Training Institute.
- Advised personnel services of central and local executive bodies, and local self-government bodies on sending participants to study and conducting a preliminary questionnaire survey of students.
- Proofread and edited the content of draft schedules for two-week training sessions and thematic seminars for each category of students.
-01.2010 - 08.2011 - Associate Professor (Candidate of Sciences) of the Department of Humanities (under contract) of the State Institute of Personnel Training.
I taught Business Ukrainian and language courses for students and advanced training course participants. I designed Business Ukrainian Language and Business Russian Language courses.
-09.2003 - 12.2009 - Associate Professor of the Department of Ukrainian Language and Literature, Kyiv National Economic University.
I taught Russian and Ukrainian to students from near abroad and far abroad, as well as the Ukrainian Language and Literature and Ukrainian Oral Folk Art at all faculties of the university.
- I taught university exam preparatory courses (82% of students were able to enter a university).
- I designed and implemented an elective course called Folklore and Mythology of the Peoples of the World.

-06.1990 - 09.2003 - Lecturer - Senior Lecturer - Associate Professor of the Department of Ukrainian Studies, Bogomolets National Medical University. I headed the section of the preparatory department for foreign students from far abroad.
- Developed and implemented learning programs in the Ukrainian language for higher and secondary educational institutions of medical profile of Ukraine.
- I taught Ukrainian and Russian to the staff of the diplomatic corps – the first Plenipotentiary and Extraordinary Ambassadors of Norway, France, the USA, and Italy.

09.1985 - 06.1990 – higher education. Kyiv Taras Shevchenko National University, philologist, teacher of Russian language and literature, teacher of Russian as a foreign language, Kyiv.

09.1992 - 06.1994 – higher education. Ukrainian State Pedagogical University, philologist, teacher of the Ukrainian language and literature, Kyiv.

Additional education:

09.1998 - 10.1998 - advanced training in Ukrainian and Russian language, Bogomolets National Medical University, Kyiv.
09.1993 - 09.1996 - postgraduate study at the Research Institute of Pedagogy of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv.
10.2006 - 04.2007 - training courses "Formation of psychological and pedagogical competence for university teachers", Kyiv National Economic University, Kyiv. 02.2011 - seminar "Culture of business speech as a component of administrative culture. Speech etiquette in professional activity", National Academy of State Administration.
10.2011 - advanced training for civil servants, National Academy of State Administration.
20.10.14-31.10.14 - Innovative orientation of pedagogical activity (108 hours), National University of Life and Environment Sciences.
01.09.16-31.12.16 - Department of Philological and Natural Sciences of the Faculty for Work with Foreign Students of the National Aviation University (NAU).
01.2018- International Center of Modern Education (Prague, Czech Republic) “METHODS OF TEACHING FOREIGN LANGUAGES” (120 hours).

Professional skills: confident MS Office user (Word, Exсel), Internet usage skills (MS Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Opera), Email (Outlook Express), distance education software.
Languages: English and Spanish - Intermediate level. Ukrainian and Russian - fluent.

Additional information.
Date of birth: August 22, 1968

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