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Резюме от 8 апреля 2024 Файл


Middle Rust Developer

Город проживания:
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Загруженный файл

Версия для быстрого просмотра

Это резюме размещено в виде файла. Эта версия для быстрого просмотра может быть хуже, чем оригинал резюме.

Danylo Shapovalov
Rust Developer

About Me
My main objective is to obtain the job with interesting
projects allowing me to improve my technical skills and

My Contact Soft Skills
Problem Solving • Communication • Resilience • Focusing •
[открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация»)
Systematic Thinking • Always opened for feedback
[открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация»)
Commercial Experience
Elastio Software - Rust Developer
March 2021 – Now
Key responsibilities:
Hard Skill Implementing new features and services based on AWS
Languages: Writing gRPC API
Extending Terraform infrastructure
Rust (3 years of commercial
Implementing tests and fixing bugs
experience): Tokio, Rusoto, AWS SDK
C/C++ (university)
Closed 160 issues in the main repo
Also worked with TypeScript, JS, C#,
Code improvement to speed up deleting of CloudWatch
Java logs by 10 times
Databases: DynamoDB, PostgreSQL, Improved testing experience by 70% by writing a mini-
MongoDB, SQLite service for testing that fits for all project’s services
AWS: Lambda, CloudWatch, S3, Non Commercial
DynamoDB, EC2, Batch, IAM
Deployment: Terraform, Localstack, Rust:
Application for interaction with database (MVC) [source]
AWS CloudFormation, TS aws-cdk
Application for interaction with database (ORM) [source]
Task organizers: GitHub (with
CI/CD), ZenHub C:
Git University studying
Also worked with Docker, Express, Tokenization [source]
Heroku Implementing of algorithms and complex data structures
Other: [source]
Algorithms, programming patterns CRUD operations for working with csv [source]
Applied Mathematics
Education Background Program Languages Database App [source]
A software application with a graphical user interface for
National Technical University of managing an electronic database of programming
Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv languages. Used SQLite database and Qt Framework.
Polytechnic Institute” Implemented database import from and export to xml and
Faculty of Applied Mathematics, csv.
Department of Computer Systems
Bachelor (2018 - 2022) Downhill skiing (11 years) • Gym • Roller sport • Travelling •
Unit Factory Computer games • On-board games • Rock music
1-month marathon in C programming Languages
language Low level programming using
<fcntl.h> English - Fluent speaking and texting
An open-world 2D game written in C for Ukrainian - Native
5 days in a team

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