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Резюме от 23 мая 2024 Файл



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Контактная информация

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Ivanna Voitseshko
UX\UI Designer
I specialize in UX/UI design for web and mobile app. I have the skills and knowledge to
design an attractive, and most importantly, intuitive interface. I consolidated my skills in
the development of a landing page, website redesign, development of a web resource
and and mobile application. I understand the technical limitations and capabilities of
different platforms and can adapt my projects accordingly. I have experience in
teamwork, so I understand organizational ethics and discipline. I want to be aware of the
latest design trends, tools and technologies. That's why I try to explore new design
methods to improve my skills and knowledge.

Project experience
Z ahid – Landing for a barbershop
Telegram Behance linkedin The goal of the project was to create a page representing barbershop services. I
analyzed the competitors and based on the brief created a landing prototype. Next, I
filled the page with content, visualized it according to the customer's wishes.

[открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация») A unique and clear landing page design was created.

Lavka Speсiy – Redesign of an existing site that sells spices and herbs
[открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация»)
The goal of the project was to redesign several pages of the existing site. The chosen
Rivne, Ukraine one was the spice site, which looked very outdated and overloaded. I have analyzed
other sites that offer similar services. I highlighted the key points that turn a website
visitor into a client. I created a more attractive and understandable interface, applied
knowledge of typography and colors. Analyzed unique trade offers of other popular
resources, i applied some of them. The design was created for three pages of the site
Hard Skills (main page, product selection page and company overview).
Wireframing and prototypin H ommy – Web service interface for "change of environment"
Visual design: layout, typography, color The idea of ​the project was to develop a web service interface for "change of
theory, and visual hierarch scenery" - work and rest in a new place. The idea is similar to couch-surfing.

Responsive and mobile desig Sing the JTBD methodology, we selected key persons and brainstormed ideas for the
Design system future project with a colleague. We chose the main components of the information
architecture and created 2 User flows and CJM. We also created a design system and
Vector illustration
prototypes of the main pages of the web resource.
UI Development (basic HTML, CSS
CARE – Application for booking beauty services
Analytics and Data Interpretatio
Project Management The idea of ​the application is the ability to quickly book services in the beauty
industry. You need to book such services a week or more in advance. Therefore, this
application should save the most expensive resource - time.

I analyzed some similar applications and developed a convenient booking scheme and
Tools implemented it in the design.

Figm Work Experience
Adobe Photoshop (basic
Adobe illustrator (basic
UX\UI designer
HTML\CSS (basic)
Dec 2023 – until now
website redesign
creation of a unique design and adaptation.
Soft Skills Staff
Attention to Detai
Oct 2020 – until now
Critical Thinkin processing of incoming and outgoing calls according to scripts
Problem Solvin control of the client's order at various stages in the 1s program
Collaboratio solving non-typical customer problem situations
Continuous Learning assistance to customers in creating orders, consultations.
Bank transaction review specialist

Apr 2018 – Oct 2020
analysis of disputed transactions
English – Pre-Intermediat approval of conclusions on operations
Ukrainian – native processing tasks in a specially developed program and by mail.

IT School GoIT
UX\UI Designer
Feb 2023 – Sep 2023
Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University (Lutsk)
Master Degree in computer sciences and information technologies
2012 – 2018

Похожие кандидаты

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UX/UI Designer
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