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Резюме от 29 апреля 2024 Файл


Community manager


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A seasoned Brand/Marke ng Strategist, Communica on Expert and Content Creator,
Communication with a passion for delivering excep onal results. With over 4 years of experience, he
has successfully led cross-func onal teams and executed high-impact projects in the
Effective Listening media, government, and nonprofit sectors. His versa le communica on and leadership
skills have consistently produced outstanding outcomes, amplifying organiza onal success.
Team Leadership

Public Speaking High Defini on Film Group | 2023

Event Hosting Communica on Manager
In 2023, I assumed the role of Communica on Manager for the esteemed High Defini on
Film Group and its affiliated en es, including High Defini on Film Studio, High Defini on
Film Academy, and Film For Impact Founda on. In this capacity, I was responsible for a
wide array of strategic communica on and branding ac vi es, including:
Industry-Based Skills
Branding and Communica on: I me culously managed the branding and communica on
Brand Strategy needs of High Defini on Film Group and its subsidiaries. This encompassed crea ng and
maintaining a consistent brand iden ty across various pla orms, ensuring a strong and
Marketing Strategy recognizable presence in the industry.

Negotiation & Closing Media Produc on Coordina on: I played a pivotal role in coordina ng the produc on of
two full seasons of a TV series and a Ne lix feature film. This role demanded a keen eye for
Critical & Analytical
detail and a deep understanding of the crea ve and logis cal aspects of media produc on.

Content Creation Marke ng Excellence: One of my key accomplishments in this role was the crea on of
compelling marke ng materials that were instrumental in driving strategic marke ng
Copy writing efforts. These materials not only engaged the target audience effec vely but also
significantly contributed to making the work of other departments more result-oriented.
Social Media Management

Project Management United Na ons Agencies Collabora ve Project | 2022
Public Relations
Project Coordinator
In 2022, I took on the role of Project Coordinator for a collabora ve ini a ve involving
Content Writing
various United Na ons agencies aimed at mi ga ng the economic impact of Covid-19 on
TV Hosting SMEs in Nigeria. Here, I excelled in several cri cal areas:

Documentary Event Coordina on: I administered and coordinated a series of impac ul events designed
Filmmaking to support small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in Nigeria. These events were
conducted in collabora on with UNIDO, UN Women, ILO, and WHO, and they played a
Advertisement crucial role in allevia ng the economic challenges brought about by the pandemic.
Outstanding Project Organiza on: My efforts in project organiza on and support were
Voice Over
instrumental in achieving the desired objec ves of the collabora ve project. I me culously
managed logis cs, budgets, and stakeholder communica ons to ensure the seamless
execu on of these events.
YouthRise Nigeria | 2022
Lead Project Coordinator
My role as the Lead Project Coordinator with YouthRise Nigeria was a pivotal point in my
career. In this capacity, I was entrusted with overseeing a cri cal project centered around
transforming lives and percep ons. My contribu ons included:

High-Profile Interviews: I led a dedicated media team in conduc ng interviews with
high-profile individuals, government officials, partners, donors, and beneficiaries.
This endeavor shed light on YouthRise Nigeria's transforma ve rehabilita ve work,
showcasing success stories of former drug addicts who transi oned into responsible
members of society, now func oning in leadership roles.

Narra ve-Changing Documentary: As the crea ve force behind this project, I successfully
wrote, produced, and delivered a narra ve-changing documentary. This compelling
documentary not only garnered a en on but also significantly amplified the project's
impact by reshaping public percep on and policy responses.

TheBrains Global Television Network | 2020 - 2021

Media Project Coordinator
As the Media Project Coordinator, I spearheaded a wide range of responsibili es aimed
at eleva ng TheBrains Global Television Network's posi on as a top- er media service
provider. During my tenure, I achieved the following:

Coordinated Crea ve Projects: I led the planning, execu on, and delivery of a diverse
array of television shows. These projects encompassed everything from conceptualiza on
to post-produc on, ensuring seamless and top-quality results.

Government Agency Documentaries: In addi on to TV show coordina on, I took on the
roles of Script Writer, Producer, and Director for documentaries commissioned by
government agencies. This mul faceted involvement allowed me to cra compelling
narra ves and ensure excep onal produc on quality.

President, Na onal Agency for Food and Drug Administra on and Control CDS
Na onal Youth Service Corps (NYSC), Federal Capital Territory, Abuja, Nigeria
2020 - 2021

·Led the Community Development Service (CDS) group focused on Food and Drug
Administra on and Control, coordina ng various ini a ves to raise awareness about the
importance of safe and regulated products.

·Implemented projects to educate the public on the risks associated with counterfeit
and substandard products, emphasizing the role of regulatory measures in ensuring
public safety.

·Mobilized and led a team of volunteers in community outreach programs, fostering a
sense of civic responsibility and public engagement.
News Writer and News Reporter
Available upon request Nigeria Television Authority (NTA), Africa's Largest TV Network
[Kogi State Headquarters] | 2019

·Authored compelling news ar cles and scripts for broadcast, ensuring accuracy, clarity,
and adherence to journalis c standards.

·Conducted in-depth research on various topics, including poli cs, sports, culture,
and social issues, to provide well-informed and balanced news coverage.

·Collaborated with editors, producers, and fellow reporters to develop engaging and
informa ve news segments.

·Stayed abreast of current events, trends, and developments to generate mely and
relevant news content.


Bachelor's Degree in Mass Communica on
Kogi State University

Cer fica ons:
Cer fied in Customer Service Rela ons
Cer fied in Real Estate Consultancy

Addi onal Creden als:
Completed Communica ons training from The University of Glasgow, Scotland

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