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Резюме от 25 мая 2024 Файл


Front-end програміст

32 года

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Oleksii Reznikov
Front-end UI Developer
Core Skills Contact
JavaScript HTML5 CSS3 c UNIX
React MobiX axios SCSS jira SQL Kyiv, Ukraine, 02097
TypeScript NodeJS Puppeteer Storybook GIT Phone
[открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация»)
Work History Email
[открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация»)
2022-01 - Junior Front-end UI Developer
2023-07 BETER Live, Kyiv, Ukraine live.beter.co Linkedin
Next-gen live casino products and gaming solutions. [открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация»)
Tech stack: React.js · TypeScript · SASS · Konva.js · Storybook · MobX

The most high-tech live experience available on the market.
• Develop modern UI, applying the newest development techniques Github
• Collaborate with the product owner to discuss and github.com/sator4iiik
validate requirements
• Participation in all stages of the SDLC
• Working closely with senior engineers to find the best technical
approaches and instilling the best practices for software Languages
development and documentation
• In case of absence of UI tasks, perform tasks of regular front-end
• Write clear, reliable and thoughtful code
• Bugfixing for cross-browser compatibility
• Building SVG programmatically English

achievements Polish
• Worked with real-time data app
• Implement custom logic UI components in storybook
• Worked with web-design-system (A huge storybook of components Certificate
the size of a separate module)
• Worked with web-theme module which pulled from the document sololern
for Figma API color/gradient set to quickly change themes in
games for special events. stepic
• Wrote a business tool that extracted information from hundreds of
websites and transformed it into data for analysis
• Solved Techdebts

2020-06 - Student
2022 Ucode (Unit Factory), Kyiv, Ukraine
2011-06 - 3D Visualizer, Designer
2013-02 YODEZEEN, Kyiv, Ukraine
Obtained арproval of concepts by submitting
Skills rough drafts to management or to client.
2020-10 MadFish.Solutions
Internship - Smart Contract Development
2020-06 - Unit Factory
2022 Soffware Engineer - Кyiv
2016-02 - Element Edition
2019-07 Concept Artist 2d&3d, Movies And Games
2011-10 - National Academy of Fine Arts And
2015-08 Architecture
Graphic Design - Кyiv

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