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Резюме от 16 мая 2024 Файл


Trainee QA Engineer, модератор, контент-менеджер

29 лет
Город проживания:
Готов работать:

Контактная информация

Соискатель указал телефон и эл. почту.

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Загруженный файл

Версия для быстрого просмотра

Это резюме размещено в виде файла. Эта версия для быстрого просмотра может быть хуже, чем оригинал резюме.

Mariia Zhukova
Phone: [открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация»)
E-mail: [открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация»)
Telegram: @Mariia_Zhukova


I'm an analytical thinker and attentive to the smallest details.
I'm used to handling highly confidential documents and solving complex problems in a short amount of
Always striving to learn, improve my skills, and achieve goals.


`Apr 2023` — `Jan 2024` (9 months) at `Pension fund of Ukraine`.
I worked in one of the branches of the Pension fund of Ukraine, which implements the state policy on
pension issues.

- Assessment and acceptance of documents submitted by citizens for the assignment of all types of
pensions and social payments.
- Cooperate with insurers on the issues of documents verification for retiring citizens.
- Correct and timely assignment of pensions and other social payments.

- Participation in the implementation of documents digitalization.
- Quick response and resolution of various urgent assignments.
- Ability to communicate professionally and positively with citizens and resolve problems that arise.

`Nov 2022` — `Mar 2023` (4 months) at `Izmail College No. 8`.
I worked at an educational institution as an assistant accountant and has been promoted to chief

- Submission of accounting statements.
- Accrual of payroll, vacation and temporary disability benefits.
- Filing reports to regulatory authorities.

- Successful completion of tax and external audits.
- Helped optimizing cooperation of departments responsible for reporting of travel expenses.

`Aug 2018 — Sep 2020` (2 years, 4 months) at `GROUND WAR: TANKS`.
I worked on a game project about dynamic tank battles as a creative social media manager.

- Creating photo and video content (e.g. for YouTube).
- Content plan development.
- Creating posts for social networks.
- Creating images for placement in social networks (using Adobe Photoshop).

- Managed a social media group for communication between different teams on the project.
- Set up a team of content managers.
- I was the project's main streamer.
- Increased the variety of content published on social media.

`Apr 2015` — `Nov 2022` (7 years, 7 months) at `Oschadbank`.
I worked in one of the largest financial institutions of Ukraine with the most extensive network of

- Searching and attraction of clients.
- Negotiating and closing contracts.
- Fulfillment of KPIs: sales volume, accounts receivables, active client base.

- Annual sales growth by 10-15% due to the development of the client base and expansion of the
company's product representation.
- Increase of active client base by 40%.
- Reduced overdue accounts receivable by strengthening control of customers' financial discipline.
- Acted as a mentor, trained 2 sales managers.


- Course [Clean Code](https://cleancoders.com/series/clean-code) by Robert C. Martin, Jan 2021
- International Academy of HR Management, Bachelor's degree in `Economics and HR Management`,
Jun 2020, Izmail
- Kyiv State Academy of Water Transport, Associate degree in `Business Economics`, Feb 2015, Izmail


- Adobe Photoshop
- Adobe After Effects / Sony Vegas / VSDC
- Microsoft Office
- M.E.Doc (accounting software)


- Ukrainian: `Native`
- Russian: `Native`
- English: B1


- Creating thumbnails for YouTube channels in Adobe Photoshop.
- Creating music content for my personal YouTube channel.
- I play video games like Forza Horizon 5, S.T.A.L.K.E.R. and Undawn.
- I like to read, one of my favorite books is The Call of Cthulhu by H.P. Lovecraft.

The books I'm going to read

- [The Complete Software Tester](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/59831903-the-complete-
software-tester) by Kristin Jackvony
- [Software Testing](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/1543131.Software_Testing) by Ron Patton
- [Джедайские техники](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/34656521) by Максим Дорофеев
- [Отъявленный программист](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/26085784) by Игорь Савчук

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