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Резюме от 15 мая 2024 Файл


Маркетолог, дизайнер (Shopify)

25 лет

Контактная информация

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ed uca t io n lan gu a g e
J a nua r y – Fe b ruar y 2024 English - Intermediate
Target f rom 0 to Pro Ukrainian - Native
Th e cou rse i s f rom t h e on li n e sch o o l Wi ze C l ub. Russian - Advanced
Ab ou t th e ta rget on Fa ceb oo k /I n sta g ram / Ti k Polish - Elementary
To k
expe rien ce
D e cember 202 3 – Februar y 2024
Comm odity busin ess 2022-202 3
Co urse – Vita ly Kis h ka n a . M e rch an di se busi n e ss Designer and director of the production develop-
t hrou gh on e -pa ge s i tes i n Ukrai n e . ment department Wood and Hearts. More than 40
new products have been developed, which are sold
N ove mber 202 3 – Januar y 2024 in America, Europe and Asia.
Klaviyo (email marketin g)
Co urses - o n t h e U d emy p la tfo rm f ro m e m ai l
201 8-2024
m arketers w h o coop era te wi th S h o pi f y sto re s.
Graphic designer of printing products and advertis-
-Klaviyo Ema i l M a rket in g Fo r e Co m m e rce -
ing creatives. Cooperation with various types of
30 - 50 % Mo re R even u e! businesses and brands.
-Klaviyo Au toma t ion a n d Seg m e n tati o n Maste r-
class. 2023-2024
-1 0 Email M a rket i n g St ra tegi e s T h a t Make Me Creation of sites on the platform Shopify and Tilda.
6 -Figures.

N ove mber – December 202 3 2018-2022
Sh opif y Dropshippin g Designer. Art director in production Kotto Cerami-
Co urse – Tatya n a Ya rch a k . Advan ce d. ca. Development of new collections of mosaics and
tiles. Cooperation with designers and clients.
Au gus t – Oc tober 202 3
Alight Motion con t a c t
Co urse on th e p rogra m for a dve r ti si n g creati ve s
by Arina C h orn om ors ka . [открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация»)
201 4 – 2020 @viktor5iia
Graphic Design @viktor5iia
college named after Ivan Trush. Bachelor. [открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация»)
abou t m e
Hello, my name is Victoria.
I am from Lviv, Ukraine. I'm 25.
I am a very positive, hardworking and persistent person.

I always like to learn new areas, so I took a break from my
career for 4 months to gain new knowledge from courses. I
worked as an object designer - mosaics and tiles, children's
Montessori furniture - I have a lot of experience in creating

But I also like to sell what I create, because I want to see a
profit. Therefore, for 4 months I studied marketing and sales
on the Ukrainian and international markets. Namely, sales
through targeted advertising. I really like working with the
Shopify platform, because we can create sites with the right
triggers that will increase sales.

m ot ivat ion
I want to work in a team that is "on fire" with its work. Where
the team is trust, support and a joint result for the growth of
the entire team. I will be your best employee if you believe in
me and my great desire to work. My goal is to have a good
job, team and career growth that will bring good profit.

skills an d abilities
- Excellent knowledge of Adobe Creative Suite: Photoshop,
Illustrator, InDesign; Alight Motion; Mosaic Tiles Maker Pro.
- In-depth knowledge of web design principles and experi-
ence with the Shopify platform. Building stores from 0 to
launch, including theme customization, app integration, and
store customization
- Experience with e-marketing platforms such as Klaviyo
- Launch of advertising on Facebook and Instagram.

- Excellent communication skills, both written and oral.
- Analytical mindset with the ability to interpret data and
optimize strategies.
- Category B driver's license

- organization of exhibitions in Kyiv, full customer support
after the exhibition.
- two certificates on the Klaviyo platform
[Deliverability certificate conclusion and exam]
[Product certificate - conclusion and certificate exam].

con t a c t
[открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация»)
[открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация»)

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