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Резюме от 8 мая 2024 Файл


C++ програміст

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Igor Melnyk
Date of Birth: 12/04/1983
Phone: [открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация»)
Email: [открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация»)
Address: 126 Cornfield Dr., WS14 9UG, Lichfield, United Kingdom

About Me:
I am a seasoned professional in computer science, fueled by self-motivation and a commitment to delivering exceptional results consistently. My forte lies in adapting swiftly to new challenges and technologies while upholding high standards of workmanship.

Key Attributes:
• Adaptability: Quick to embrace new skills and technologies, ensuring relevance in an ever-evolving industry landscape.
• Initiative: Proactive in taking ownership of tasks, whether working independently or collaboratively within a team environment.
• Value-Driven: Dedicated to adding significant value to any organization through expertise, dedication, and innovation.
• Passion: Intrinsically motivated and deeply passionate about advancing my career in .NET Blazor technologies, continuously seeking opportunities for growth and development.
Personal Skills:
• Effective Communication: Proficient in articulating ideas and concepts, fostering clear and concise communication channels.
• Digital Proficiency: Well-versed in various programming languages, frameworks, databases, and web technologies, ensuring versatile skill sets to tackle diverse challenges.
• Multilingual: Fluent in four languages, facilitating effective communication and collaboration in multicultural settings.
• Time Management: Proven ability to work under pressure and meet tight deadlines, adept at prioritising tasks and managing workloads efficiently.
• Organisational Skills: Highly organized with a keen eye for detail, capable of managing multiple tasks concurrently while maintaining accuracy and quality.
• Diligence and Responsibility: Demonstrated commitment to delivering results with unwavering diligence and a strong sense of accountability.
• Bachelor Degree in Software Development, Step Computer Academy, Uzhhorod, Ukraine, Nov 2018 - Oct 2021
• Master Degree of Economics, University of the State Fiscal Service of Ukraine, Irpin, Ukraine, Sep 2004 - Jun 2005
• Bachelor Degree of Accounting and Auditing, University of the State Fiscal Service of Ukraine, Irpin, Ukraine, Aug 2000 - Sep 2004
Work Experience:

• Software Developer - C# Programming Language (December 2017 – Present)
◦ Developing, updating, and maintaining bespoke software solutions for diverse clients using the .NET framework.
◦ Acting as the main liaison between clients and development teams, ensuring seamless communication and project alignment.
◦ Collaborating closely with clients, providing ongoing updates, gathering feedback, and addressing concerns promptly.
◦ Engineering customized account management systems to optimize business workflows and enhance efficiency.
◦ Upholding stringent data security standards, safeguarding client information and ensuring data integrity.
◦ Expanding software capabilities to meet evolving client needs, integrating new features and functionalities.
◦ Empowering clients through comprehensive training sessions, enabling proficient and secure software usage.
• Software Developer - 1C Enterprise Programming Language Freelancer (December 2005 – December 2017)
◦ Developed, maintained, and enhanced software solutions using 1C Enterprise programming language.
• Self-Employed Technology Repair Centre Owner (August 2005 – February 2022)
◦ Established and managed a successful technology repair center, handling diverse repair tasks.
Digital Skills:

• Main Program Languages: C#, JavaScript
• IDEs: Microsoft Visual Studio Code, Visual Studio
• Frameworks: ASP.NET Core Web App, .NET Core WPF, ASP.NET Core Web API, ASP.NET Core Blazor
• Databases: MySQL, MSSQL SQL, MongoDB, PostgreSQL
• Web Technologies: HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, Web API
• Additional Tools: GitHub, Postman, Git, Docker, Open API (Swagger)

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