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Резюме от 10 мая 2024 Файл


Педагог з англійської

36 лет
Город проживания:
Готов работать:

Контактная информация

Соискатель указал телефон , эл. почту и адрес.

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Загруженный файл

Версия для быстрого просмотра

Это резюме размещено в виде файла. Эта версия для быстрого просмотра может быть хуже, чем оригинал резюме.

Experienced and passionate Teacher with a love for educating.
Adept in creating a comprehensive and well-rounded
curriculum that meets education requirements and standards.
Familiar with many renowned educational philosophies, aimed
at supporting a child academically, emotionally, and socially. I
am fond of studying psychology.
I am currently gaining new experience in the world of
technology and am interested in joining a multinational team of
professionals as I want to continue to be a part of a successful
and motivated community. I'm confident that my skills and
passion have prepared me for this.
My experience has helped me improve my leadership skills,
allowed me to gain organizational skills, and provided me with
extensive knowledge of how to solve problems.

Employment History Details
Customer Support Consultant (Ukrainian/English) at- Wroclaw, Poland
SupportYourApp, Wrocław +480575690454
[открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация»)
• Developed and maintained customer service support systems to streamline Nationality
customer interactions and increase customer satisfaction; Ukrainian
• Documented customer support processes and procedures;
• Provide call support; Driving license
• Communicate with developers and other departments of various IT companies; B
• Become a product expert.

Teaching Partner at Pechersk School International, Kyiv Skills
FEBRUARY 2020 — JUNE 2022 Adaptability
• Conducted research on best practices in online and hybrid teaching to improve Interpersonal
student learning Communication Skills
• Implemented a variety of teaching strategies, such as group work,
Multitasking Skills
project-based learning, and hands-on experiments, to ensure student
understanding; Project Management Skills
• Utilized a variety of teaching strategies, such as interactive lectures, group Leadership Skills
projects, and simulations, to engage students;
• Collaborated with colleagues to develop innovative approaches to teaching; Excellent Communication
• Developed and implemented innovative teaching methods that improved Skills
student comprehension and engagement; Creative Problem Solving
• Learned new skills through online courses, certifications, and self-teaching. Skills
Media Center Coordinator at The British International Languages
School, Kyiv
AUGUST 2010 — FEBRUARY 2020 Ukrainian
• Create opportunities to lead in the development of the company's culture English
irrespective of academic ability;
• Conduct a range of events, creatively and inventively to ensure that all Polish
members of the community are engaged in the process;
• Organize various school projects.

Educational project coordinator at Target Language Academy
OCTOBER 2018 — MAY 2019
• Implemented project life cycle management processes to ensure project
requirements were documented and tracked throughout the project;
• Developed a comprehensive project plan that outlined the key tasks
and milestones for a major consulting project, resulting in the successful
completion of the project on time and within budget;
• Developed and implemented project quality control measures that improved
project performance;
• Collaborated with a team to develop a new research project, resulting in the
successful completion of the project.

Account Manager at Target Language Academy, Kyiv
AUGUST 2017 — MAY 2019
• Identified customer needs and communicated benefits of products and
services, the resulting increase in sales;
• Provided personalized customer service that resulted in an increase in
customer satisfaction ratings;
• Negotiated new contracts with existing clients, resulting in a reduction in costs
and improved profitability;
• Analyze and manage market risks.

Teacher of English at Clever Kids, Kyiv
JUNE 2015 — AUGUST 2017

Preschool Teacher at Meridian International School , Kyiv
AUGUST 2012 — JUNE 2015

Project Manager at Genius Academy, Kyiv

Practitioner Course at Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT)
SEPTEMBER 2020 — JUNE 2023

Child psychotherapy course at Kyiv Gestalt University
MARCH 2021 — DECEMBER 2022

Magistrate at National Pedagogical University M.P.
Dragomanova , Kyiv
Institute of Pedagogic and Psychology

Bachelor at Humanitarian Pedagogical College
AUGUST 2003 — JUNE 2007

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25000 грн, Удаленно, Хмельницкий

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