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Резюме от 23 мая 2024 Файл


UI/UX Designer

21 год
Город проживания:
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UI/UX designer

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About me Professional Training
I have 6 months of experience working as a UI/UX design Courses
intern. Proficient in working with components, auto-layout,
and grids. Experienced in creating landing pages, e- UI/UX Design Course, Genius Space
commerce platforms, CRM systems, mobile applications, (2022-2023)
and adaptive design.
Google UX Design Course (2023)

Hard Skills Figma UI UX Design Essentials
Proficiency in interface design tools such as Figma.

Experience with design systems such as Material Design or Language
Understanding of principles for mobile app and web interface Ukrainian-Native

Soft Skills
Communication skills and effective collaboration with team members and clients to gather requirements and
receive feedback.

Empathy and ability to understand the needs and perspective
of users.

Attention to detail and ability to meticulously analyze design.

Time management skills and ability to work under tight deadlines.

You can view the portfolio at the link


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