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Резюме от 29 мая 2024 Файл


C++ developer

23 года
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Valeriia Oleksandrivna Hrechana (C++ Developer)
Dnipropetrovsk Region, Pavlohrad; 22.10.2000; Female
Phone number [открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация»)
Email [открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация»)
Telegram @Zlata_Kazin

Career objective- C++ Developer
Type of employment Full-time/remote


 C++ programming language
 HTML language
 Experience with databases SQL
 Intermediate level of English
 Experience with engines such as Unity
 Understanding the basics of mathematics and physics helps in creating a
realistic and compelling game world.
 Understanding of 3D modeling, animation and texturing fundamentals.

During my university studies, I gained important programming skills in languages
such as C++, Python, Assembler and the HTP language. I learned to work
effectively in a team, to prepare for public speeches, to independently find the
necessary information. The educational program allowed me to better understand
the structure of computers and the principles of their operation. I also learned to
work with various application programs.

In addition, I developed critical thinking and problem-solving skills that are
essential for a successful career in IT. I also learned to adapt to rapidly changing
technologies and gradually improved my skills. My ability to start quickly and put
new knowledge into practice helps me stay competitive in the software
development industry.
 Pavlograd College of the National Technical University “Dnipro
Polytechnic” - junior specialist (2016-2020). Specialty: Computer
 Kharkiv National University of Radioelectronics – Bachelor (2020-
2023)Specialty: Automation and computer-integrated technologies
About me:
 Aspiring game developer.
 I speak C++, Python, Assembler, HTP.
 I know how to work in a team, solve problems, and learn quickly.
 Familiar with computer structure and application programs.
 The goal is to develop skills in game development.

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