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Резюме от 30 мая 2024 Файл


UI/UX Designer

26 лет

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Kristina Melnyk
UI/UX Designer


Experienced UI/UX designer with 4 years of background in SMM.
Leveraging SMM insights, I excel in conducting comprehensive UX
research. My professional journey spans Europe & USA, I possess a strong
ability to adapt designs to various cultural contexts, ensuring optimal user
experiences across diverse markets. In UI design, my focus lies on creating
user-friendly and accessible interfaces, catering to individuals with visual
Grosseto, Italy impairments. With a client-centric approach, I’m known for my punctuality,
stress resistance, and willingness to continually learn and improve.
[открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация»)
[открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация») Latest Experience
Behance LinkedIn Telegram
UI/UX Designer | Cube 2024
Web & Adaptive
Skills & Tools
The web task manager project aims to meet the needs of both individual
Heuristic Analysis Photoshop users and teams. The goal is to create a flexible and adaptable tool for
Customer Journey Maps Canva efficiently managing tasks across various work scenarios.

Key features include task management, project organization, team
Prototyping (clickable) Animation collaboration/personal use, interface customization, and adaptive design for
Responsive&Adaptive Interview mobile.
Information Architecture Figma
UI/UX Designer | Space cinema 2024
User Flows Competitor Analysis Mobile App
User Personas HTML&CSS A streaming platform offers movies, TV series, and original content. The aim
Web/Mobile Design Colors Theory was to incorporate popular features while introducing new ones to
differentiate ourselves from competitors, attracting new users and
increasing engagement among existing ones.

Web Designer | PUDRA. 2023
ONAFT 2015-2021 The goal of this project was to create a convenient and reliable marketplace
Master's degree in Engineering that could satisfy the needs of buyers and sellers and stimulate sales.

Languages Head of SMM | AUTOPLASTICA, CDL 2021 - 2022

English B2 Car service, Courses/Exclusive car products distributor
Italian A2
Printing design, logo, personal branding of the company, development of
sales strategy, content creating. Started like SMM and became head in 2
Polish A2 months. Handled talent acquisition, conferences, and film coordination.
Ukrainian C2 Managed 2 exclusive brand pages and 1 training page. Developed sales
strategies, managed budgets. Interacted with European lecturers, provided
Courses translations for students. Responsible for post design and copywriting.

Mate academy 2024 SMM | CarsLevel, CarPort, Autogalactika 2018 - 2021
UI/UX Design Exclusive distributor of cars from USA
Hillel 2023 Created corporate identity, print design, logos, and personal branding.
Web design Developed sales strategies, organized on-location shoots, and provided
Hillel 2020 Instagram support. Launched effective advertising and crafted engaging
Social Media Marketing posts with copywriting. Result: Sold over 30 cars for each company.

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Одесса, Днепр , еще 6 городов

Вебдизайнер (UX/UI Design)

UX/UI design manager, lead, senior
Одесса, Днепр , еще 2 города

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