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Резюме от 18 мая 2024 Файл



19 лет

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I am Back-End Developer with 9 months experience.

LinkedIn Experienced in creating websites on Python(Django, Flask,
https://www.linkedin.com/ in/andrii- DRF), managing databases and implementing security
measures. Proficient in working independently or as part of a

Email [открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация»)
team to meet project goals and deadlines.

Github github.com/Theandrus
Junior Python Developer
February 2022 - Now
Ukraine - Native
English - Intermediate As a Back-End Developer at VNV Solutions, I played a pivotal
role in crafting and maintaining robust back-end services
utilizing Django and Flask frameworks. My responsibilities
spanned a diverse range of internal and external projects,
where I consistently demonstrated a proficiency in
problemsolving and innovation.

In addition to my core back-end development responsibilities,
I seized the opportunity to broaden my skill set by delving
into the realms of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. This enabled me
to actively contribute to enhancing the user experience
through continuous refinement of the front-end of the
company's web applications.

Notably, I undertook the resolution of numerous issues,
introducing new features and improvements to the systems.
My role extended beyond mere troubleshooting to proactive
investigation and optimization of performance, a critical
aspect that significantly contributed to the overall success of
the company.

In particular, I excelled in projects requiring intricate logic and
intricate API integrations, where I seamlessly navigated
challenges and delivered solutions that aligned with the
company's objectives. My commitment to staying abreast of
emerging technologies and industry best practices ensured
that I brought cutting-edge solutions to the table.

Overall, my tenure at VNV Solutions was characterized by a
proactive approach to problem-solving, a commitment to
continuous improvement, and a steadfast dedication to
contributing to the company's success through the seamless
integration of back-end and front-end technologies.

Bachelor’s degree(2021-Now)
1) Python 1) Team player

2) Django/DRF 2) Reliable

3) Flask 3) Good learner
4) HTML/CSS 4) Ready to help others
5) MySQL

6) GIT/Github

7) Docker

8) MS Office

9) Async/await

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