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Резюме от 5 июня 2024 Файл


Business analyst

30 лет

Контактная информация

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Загруженный файл

Версия для быстрого просмотра

Это резюме размещено в виде файла. Эта версия для быстрого просмотра может быть хуже, чем оригинал резюме.

Artem Holovchenko
Contacts: E-mail: [открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация»)

Phone: [открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация»)

Jabil 06.08.2017 — 6.04.2018

EDM (engineer data manager)

1. Communication with the customer regarding all ECN requirements (changes in products or
2. Data analysis, preparation of reports based on them, and creating instructions.
3. Creation of meetings of engineering staff.
4. Ensuring strict compliance with the ECN control process.
5. Improving and automating EDM team processes.

Proxima Research International 09.04.2018 — 01.09.2023
Data Integration Manager (09.04.2018 – 28.02.2020)

1. Interviewing clients.
2. Coordination of processes of work with the client
3. Development and coordination of the concept of system implementation and technical design.
4. Setting technical tasks for the team and quality control of the project solution.
5. Interface system configuration. Work with databases.
6. Protection and approval of the implemented technical solution by the client.
7. Customer training in the effective use of the system.
8. Database analysis.
9. Working with client CRMs, data integration using API.

Head of Data Integration Manager (01.03.2020 - 01.09.2023)

1. Presentation of products of the company.
2. Management of the integrators team.
3. Resolving issues for problem clients.
4. Improvement and automation of the workflow.
5. Creation of meetings of department heads.
6. Reporting customer success.
MGNY 05.09.2023 —
Head of Property Tax Analyst Team (05.09.2023 – )

1. Working with real estate.
2. Manage a team of 8 people.
3. Meeting and checking deadlines.
4. Improving the work processes of the entire team and company.
5. Big data analysis.
6. Constant communication with the American office.
7. Technical support for CRM.

1. HARD skills: SAP, MS Office, SQL, Power BI, Python, working with different CRMs, API, Jira,
Confluence, HTML, CSS and JavaScript.
2. SOFT skills: responsible, sociable, meets deadlines, productive, flexible, think outside the
box, hard-working, competitive.
3. English level – B1+

KPI, Faculty of Electronics 01.09.2011 — 31.05.2017

- Bachelor's degree: Department of Physical and Biomedical Electronic
- Master's degree: Department of Micro and Nanoelectronics

Football, gym, swimming, running, traveling.

Похожие кандидаты

90000 грн, Киев

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Киев, Удаленно

Бізнес-аналітик, програміст CRM, Bitrix24, "Бітрікс"
36500 грн, Киев, Житомир, Хмельницкий

Product Owner, Business, Data Analyst, Project Manager, Process Architect

Business analyst
80000 грн, Киев, Удаленно

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