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Резюме от 21 июня 2024 Файл


Account manager (Amazon, Shopify)

28 лет
Город проживания:
Готов работать:

Контактная информация

Соискатель указал телефон и эл. почту.

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Yurii K.

2019 - 2022 - Amazon Account Manager - Drop/Flip (US Market)
CONTACTS Responsibilities:

https://t.me/yura1575 Product research
Analysis, verification, and approval of potential products found by
[открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация»)
Client communication and problem-solving.
Removal of negative reviews.
HARD SKILLS Preparation of Google Sheets reports for accounting of sales, inventory,
profits, etc., including monthly and annual reports.
Seller Assistant App 2021 - 2024 - Amazon Account Manager - Wholesale (UK Market)
Researching suppliers and negotiating to open wholesale trading accounts.
Google Sheets
Search and analysis of new products.
Microsoft Excel Replenishment of existing inventory.
Communication with the prep center.
Chat GPT
Monthly profitability analysis of existing products.
Miro Handling payments to suppliers and other contractors.
Management of other researchers, including checking and approving their
Trello products.
Jira Expand sales to European countries, including compliance with EPR
regulations and VAT registration through Amazon tax partners.
ClickUp Maintaining records of purchases and expenses in Google Sheets with all
VPS/VDS invoices.
Organizing data for the accountant to submit VAT reports.
Google Ads
2022 - 2023 - Shopify Account Manager (UK Market) in the following
SOFT SKILLS categories:

Computers and Computer Components
Sports Nutrition and Supplements
Independence Pet Supplies
Team management
Shopify store development (minimal or no coding)
Time management
Communication with developers and designers.
Adaptability Communication with suppliers and customers.
Setup and management of Google Ads (basic and medium level)
Attention to detail Collaboration with Google Ads specialists.
Analytical thinking Overall store management.

Negotiation Additional Experience:
Knowledgeable about Amazon's rules and regulations, ensuring compliance
LANGUAGES and reducing risks.
Skilled in researching Amazon's policies to stay updated and make informed
English - Upper-Intermediate decisions.
Able to apply best practices according to Amazon's policies to improve
German - Beginner performance and prevent problems.
Ukrainian - Native
Yurii K.


I have been working as an account manager on Amazon since 2019. I have
https://t.me/yura1575 experience with both FBA and FBM. I also have experience in creating and
managing a store on Shopify.
[открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация»)
Although I don't have practical experience specifically with PL (Private Label)
stores, I am ready to quickly acquire the necessary knowledge and apply it
HARD SKILLS immediately in practice. I have worked with Shopify products through CSV
inventory files, managing between 5000 and 15000 items, changing photos,
Keepa descriptions, attributes, and images in bulk via CSV files. Thus, I can quickly
adapt to working with Amazon flat files as well.
Seller Assistant App
Helium10 While I had more experience working with the wholesale model before, lately I
have become more interested in PL, so I have started studying information in
Grabley this direction in advance. I have completed courses from Helium10's Academy -
Google Sheets Product Research and Keywords Research, using their tools such as X-ray,
Magnet, Cerebro, Frankenstein, and others.
Microsoft Excel
Chat GPT I also have some experience working with bulk files for Amazon advertising. I
extensively adjusted bids for various keywords based on specified criteria -
Miro ACoS, Clicks, Sales, etc.
I have good skills, I'm driven by results, and I'm currently looking for a cool team
Jira where I could apply all of this.
If you're also interested in having such a person on your team, please let me
VPS/VDS know.
Google Ads
Thank you.

Team management
Time management
Attention to detail
Analytical thinking

English - Upper-Intermediate
German - Beginner
Ukrainian - Native

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