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Програміст Golang

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Загруженный файл

Версия для быстрого просмотра

Это резюме размещено в виде файла. Эта версия для быстрого просмотра может быть хуже, чем оригинал резюме.

Oleh Korshun
C++ Software Engineer
Email: [открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация»)
Phone number: [открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация»)
Linkedin: [открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация»)
Skype: jarver_
Birth date: 02.08.1991
Job: full time, remote
Professionals skills: C/C++,
Data Structures,
Networking(OSI, TCP/IP, Qt sockets, libc sockets, poll, epoll)

Job experience:
07.2021 — now C/C++ engineer in Epam.
Enterprise development, automation of geophysics. Optimizing performance, program design.
The team consisted of six people: a manager, an architect, a lead, two developers including me, a
tester (geophysicist).
Scrum methodology, sprints of two weeks, but they could be postponed because the estimate on the
project is difficult.
Communication was mostly within the local team, but it's international, once a week or two
meetings with all teams - that's a few dozen people.
Tasks were mainly set directly by the architect, there was no full formalization, but the end goal was
described quite well.
Refactored a lot of code. Parallelized the process of reading headers from large datasets that were in
the cloud, added the ability to control
the number of threads in the config, it is necessary to run on different machines. In some cases the
performance has increased extremely.

07.2020 — 02.2021 C/C++ developer in Eva.
Enterprise development automation of retail, write business logic, requirements analysis, task
setting. Design solutions to complex problems.
There are five people in the team: manager, developer (me), tester (business analyst), architect, lead.
Scrum methodology, but sprints could
vary greatly in duration due to changing priorities and tasks. Communication happened only within
the same team, since the company is
Product. Tasks varied from optimization by parallelizing computations to refactoring and
automating retail business logic. Design was handled by either
Lead or Architect, although it was not uncommon for me to make changes. Implemented a very
large amount of business logic e.g.
discounts. Added a module for easy testing of discounts with a GUI interface. Optimized business
logic, partially covered old legacy code with tests
and wrapped it in a convenient library. Adapted API library for external code.

07.2019 - 02.2020 C/C++ developer in Chameleon Soft.
Enterprise development, automation of retail. Creating GUI on Qwidgets, write business logic,
working with databases, like Sqlite and Postgres.
There are ten people in the team: a manager (technical director, lead), eight developers, a tester
(business analyst). Scrum methodology,
but sprints could vary greatly in duration due to changing priorities and tasks. Communication was
only within the same team because the company
is a product company. Tasks were varied from optimization by parallelizing computation to
refactoring and automating retail business logic,
they were rarely formalized, so design was on my side. Implemented a very large amount of
business logic such as promotions.
Added new functionality to the cashier workstation in the form of a GUI that adjusted those
promotions as appropriate. Optimized business logic
that was running synchronously by parallelizing it across threads, which greatly improved

04.2019 - 06.2019 C/C++ developer in Apriorit.
Development of distributed systems, creating backups from IOS and upload it on AWS, developing
GUI in C#, python scripting.
There are five people in the team: three developers, including lead, manager and tester. Scrum
methodology, sprints of two weeks.
Communication took place within the local team. Tasks were set by the manager and these tasks
were rarely formalized,
I did most of the design myself. Mostly the tasks were in the field of parsing data collected from a
which should be displayed in a convenient way, there were tasks related to GUI in C#. Improved the
display of collected data.

08.2018 - 04.2019 C/C++ developer in Computools.
Development of distributed systems, low - level network interaction using C sockets. Worked with
peripherals using Qt, developing GUI in Qt Widgets.
There are maximum three people in the team, the lead and me, after a couple of months on the
project it was mostly just me alone.
The tester was the customer directly. Design and formalization of solutions was either on my side or
the lead did it.
Scrum methodology, sprints of two weeks, although they were not infrequently rescheduled.
Communication was mostly within
the local team, with the manager and the lead. Tasking was not always strictly formalized so I was
involved in the design.
The longest windows project in my practice. Fixed one of the most complex floating bugs with
reading files from a flash drive,
after inserting it into usb, periodically reading did not happen. Added new functionality for
uploading video files to google cloud service,
which was managed through gui interface on Qwidgets.

06.2017 - 08.2018 C/C++ developer freelance.
Development of desktop application. GUI on Qwidgets. Worked with network using Qtsockets.
The team consisted of four people, including me: a manager, a lead and two developers, the tester
was on the customer's side
and usually performed tasks separately from our team. Scrum methodology, sprints of two weeks.
Communication was mostly within the local team,
once a week with the customer and the tester from his side. Specific tasks were set directly by the
lead, and the lead was engaged in formalizing
these tasks, which were voiced by the customer. Tasks that were delegated to me, as a rule, had a
very formal form with a clear specification,
it could be a bug fix or implementation of new functionality. I worked both on the frontend side
with Qwidgets and on the backend side,
which was almost entirely written in C++. Most of all I was engaged in refactoring and bug-fixing,
significantly reduced the technical debt on the project.

Zaporizhzhya National Technical University, bachelor degree - software
engineering 2016
Zaporizhzhya National Technical University, master degree - systems software
Russian - native
Ukrainian - fluent
English — B2
The project is engaged in automation of retail. A project consists of many
subprojects. Server,
client, GUI for self-checkout and
GUI for cashier, driver and others. Psql server database, sqlite client.
Parent control system. The project makes backups from devices running ios. The
kernel is written in
C ++, the GUI in C # (WinForms). When connected
device via usb application makes backup and uploads it to S3. From S3, the data is
parsed by the module that is responsible for parsing and then this data is sent to
the front end for viewing.
The project helps sell video recordings from a go-kart center. People who go
karting are given
helmets with cameras that record
video of their skating. After the end of the race they are offered to buy video
recordings. A USB
flash drive with video recordings is inserted into the usb port, these videos
An open desktop application is automatically copied to the necessary
directories, a check with qr
code and a unique code is converted and printed.
Then the flash drive is cleared and the videos are uploaded to youtube or google
cloud. There is a
web front that provides access to video by code.
The project is an analog of cloud storage with a web interface, but made in the
form of a desktop
application. GUI Written in QWidgets,
The main functionality of the application is to add images and convert them to
the desired formats,
it is also possible to change
resolution. After processing, the images are uploaded to the google cloud, from
where they are taken through the web backend and displayed on the web front.

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