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Резюме от 13 июня 2024 Файл


Java developer

19 лет
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Ivanov Artem
Java developer
 Antalya  Age: 19 years old

Work experience Contacts

■ Freelance January 2022 — March 2023  [открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация»)  
Java developer:  [открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация»)
I have been involved in the development and implementation of various add-ons for the  https://github.com/temez
Bukkit platform, using Java 17, Spring Boot, and PostgreSQL.

• Implemented a Spring Boot starter for the Bukkit platform, with a strong emphasis on Languages
compatibility and support for various server cores.
• Created and implemented a wide range of server solutions, meticulously crafted to
meet specific customer requirements and specifications. English
• Collaborated closely with clients to understand their needs and deliver robust, B2 - Upper Intermediate
scalable, and maintainable solutions.

■ Star corp. March 2023 — Present
Java developer: B1 - Intermediate
I am currently developing an application designed to offload non-game logic and
workloads from gaming services to the cloud, using technologies such as Java 17, Spring
Boot, Spring Cloud, NATS, gRPC, and PostgreSQL. Ukrainian
C2 - Proficiency
• Leading the design and development of the overall application architecture, with a
particular focus on security and client rights management.
• Integrating various payment systems to ensure seamless and secure financial
transactions within the application.
C2 - Proficiency
• Implementing and thoroughly documenting the client API to facilitate easy and
efficient interaction with the application.
• Currently working on implementing service discovery mechanisms to enhance the
scalability and reliability of gaming services.

● Java SE
█ ● Spring Boot
■ LevelUP 2022
Java developer. Junior Experienced
● Spring Cloud
About me Experienced
● Hibernate ORM
I am currently enhancing my skills in Java and Cybersecurity. My primary Experienced
experience involves working extensively with Java 17, Spring Boot, and Spring ● JDBC
Cloud platforms. I have a passion for contributing to various communities and
enjoy sharing my most useful and interesting projects on GitHub.
● SQL (MySQL, PostgreSQL)
● Gradle
● gRPC
● JUnit, Mockito
● Git (GitHub, GitLab)

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