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Резюме от 13 июня 2024 Файл


Trainee/Junior Front-end developer

26 лет

Контактная информация

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Загруженный файл

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[открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация») Dnipro, Ukraine

[открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация»)


SUMMARY I'm a junior front-end developer proficient in HTML5, CSS3, SASS, JavaScript, React, Redux, and Git.
With hands-on experience in building responsive and user-friendly web applications, I adeptly translate
design concepts into functional interfaces. I'm committed to continuous learning and growth in this
dynamic field and am passionate about staying abreast of the latest trends. I thrive on tackling challenges
of diverse intricacy, whether troubleshooting complex issues or implementing innovative solutions. My
dedication to excellence fuels my enthusiasm for pushing the boundaries of web development. In
addition to technical skills, I possess strong collaboration and communication abilities, enabling effective
teamwork and positive project outcomes. I'm eager to leverage my expertise to drive the evolution of
web development practices. As I continue my journey, I seek opportunities to expand my skill set, take
on new challenges, and make meaningful contributions to the field.
Hard skills: HTML5, CSS, SASS, Flexbox, JavaScript, React, Redux, Git, Webpack, AJAX.

WORK Trainee front-end developer
EXPERIENCE January 2024 - April 2024
Gromcode University

Airport Board is a dynamic web application that simplifies the flight tracking process. Developed as an
academic project, this application enables users to filter flights by date and arrival/departure cities,
delivering real-time updates. JavaScript concepts were applied to ensure robust functionality, while the
React library was utilized to craft an interactive and responsive user interface. Additionally, Redux was
integrated for efficient state management, ensuring consistent performance and enhancing the overall
user experience. To learn more about the project, follow the link: https://airport-board-site.netlify.app/
Creating HTML markup and styles from scratch
Writing React code
Configuring and integrating the Redux library
Working with RESTful APIs and handling AJAX requests

Trainee front-end developer
October 2023 - January 2024
Gromcode University

The Simple Calendar Application, developed as part of an educational curriculum, is a user-friendly web
tool designed for efficient event management. Equipped with features to create, view, and delete events,
as well as navigate through weeks, the application serves as a practical organizer. Through this project, I
honed my proficiency in JavaScript and React, advancing my front-end development skills. Additionally, I
mastered the art of writing maintainable and scalable code, adhering to best practices in software
development. To learn more about the project, follow the link: https://react-calendar-stack.netlify.app/
Writing React code
Working with RESTful APIs and AJAX requests
Writing styles using the SASS preprocessor
EDUCATION Kharkiv National Academy of Urban Economy
Bachelor`s degree, faculty of management

Gromcode University
Front-end Developer
(Sep 2022-April 2024)

LANGUAGES English - upper intermediate
Ukrainian - native speaker

I consent to the processing of my personal data for the purposes necessary for the recruitment process

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