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Резюме от 22 мая 2024 Файл



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Версия для быстрого просмотра

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Python Developer

[открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация») ABOUT ME
[открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация») A backend software developer with practice in Python - Django
is looking for new professional opportunities. Got experience
Linkedin working with Python Core & Frameworks (Django, Django Rest).
Well-familiar with OOP fundamentals, SOLID, and DRY principles.
Github Strong knowledge of Java and also knew Spring framework and
JDBC, HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Having practical skills
Kyiv, Ukraine
working with the database MySQL, and SQLite. Enough
Ready to work knowledge of algorithms and data structures and experience
remotely with a version control system GIT and Github. Moreover have
some practical skills working with the graphical programming
EDUCATION environment Simulink from MatLab and R.

The National Technical WORK EXPERIENCE
University of Ukraine "Igor
Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic October 2023 - Present
Python developer
Institute of Applied System Kitchen Service
Analysis. Technologies: Python, Django, HTML, CSS, SQLite, Bootstrap
2018 - 2020 GitHub Code [https://github.com/kate-chern/kitchen-
Ph.D. in Automation of Theatre service
Control Processes Technologies: Python, Django REST, SQLite
The National Technical GitHub Code [https://github.com/kate-chern/cinema-
University of Ukraine "Igor service]
Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic
Faculty of Informatics and Apr 2023 - June 2023
Computer Science
2010 - 2013
Frontend Developer
Magister in Metallurgy Technologies: HTML, CSS
The National Technical Website link: [www.veterinarymodels.com]
University of Ukraine "Igor
Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic
Faculty of Engineering Physics.

2004 - 2010
November 2022 - March 2023
EDUCATION Java developer
Technologies: Spring MVC, Spring Security, Spring Data,
Python course at Mate academy Hibernate, Servlet API, Spring Boot, MySql
(Python Core, Django ORM, Django
Book shop online
GitHub Code [https://github.com/kate-chern/bookshop]
Taxi service Online
Foundations: Data, Data, GitHub Code [https://github.com/kate-chern/taxi-
Everywhere at Google service/tree/feature].
https://coursera.org Mini Cinema Online
GitHub Code [https://github.com/kate-chern/cinema-
Java course at Mate academy app/tree/feature].
(OOP, Java, Spring Boot,
Hibernate, HTML, CSS, JavaScript)
https://mate.academy Sep 2013 - Aug 2018

JavaRush (30 Levels) National Technical University of Ukraine "Igor Sikorsky

https://javarush.com/ Kyiv Polytechnic Institute,

CodeWars [ 50 Kata Completed]
08f99aee097e6552000148/train/jav List of responsibilities of teaching: prepare lectures and
a presentations, also develop practical training in
accordance with curriculum programs.
List of administrative responsibilities: prepare education
SKILLS plans of disciplines and distribution teaching hours.
Key accomplishments: publishing 22 science articles and
OOP, Design patterns receiving 2 patients. From them, two articles were published in
TDD, SOLID, DRY principles Ukrainian Science Journals that were indexed in Scopus -
Python 3.7+ Metallurgical and Mining Industry, and Eastern-European
Djano ORM, Django REST Framework Journal of Enterprise Technologies.
FastApi basic understanding Technologies or Tools: Excel, MatLab.
Java, Servlets, Tomcat, JDBC
Hibernate, JPA, JUnit, Spring Boot
Docker, Heroku
MySQL, SQLite, PostgreSQL
HTML, CSS, JavaScript
Git/Github, Maven,
Trello, Jira
Web Scrapping, Data Analysis
Machine Learning, Multiprocessing
SDLC, Waterfall, Agile(Scrum,

English - Upper-Intermediate

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